07 SCALA Advanced Picture Construction

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Advanced picture construction

1 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Windows and positions

 Each process view is displayed on a predefined screen position in a window

of predefined size
 We call this “Positions”

2 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Position Management in the CAE Client

 Schemes
Visualization | Position management | Schemes
For visualizations with different resolution different
schemes can be defined herein.
A structural discrimination can be made here.

 Visualization | Position management| Positions
Here the individual positions are created.

 Assign positions to schemes :

Visualization | Position management | Positions in schemes
The created position are parameterized here.
Further on here is defined, to which scheme a position
is assigned

3 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Why schemes ?

Scheme: Video wall


Scheme: TFT


4 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Define positions

 To each and every window a certain

position (name) is assigned

5 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Definition of positions in schemes

 During construction of a position it has

to be defined to which scheme this
position belongs

 In the upper part of the property

window the position and sized has to
be defined.
Values are in % of disposable screen

 Among “Misc” one can find general

window properties.

“Use actual screen” displays the picture always on the “click monitor”

6 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Change the size and positioning of the Navigator

 Task
 The size and the position of the navigator window need to be changed
 Visualization right up position

 Window width und window height “20%”

7 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Display picture + list

 Task
 Display a units detailed view and a sequence of events list (CEL)
 Picture area 75%

 List area 25%

75 % Picture Training\Unit_Detail

Sequence of events list

25 %

8 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Create two new screen positions

Create in the CAE Client under

Positions two new positions
TrainingUp and

Create now under Positions in

Schemes the two new positions
and assign the scheme
DefaultScheme to them.

Parameterize both positions now

via the property window in such a manner that
The screen position Training1Up fills 75% of the
upper part of the screen and
ccreen position Training1Down fills the
remaining bottom part
For activation of changes in the CAE Client these
parameters have to be loaded into the SCADA Server.
CAE Client: Tools | Consistency Check

The consistency check window can be docked at the windows boarder

9 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Task: Parameterize a button in a picture

 Create picture Training\Unit_Detail

 Place a button-element into the picture Training\Unit

 Caption M1
 Tooltip Unit detail
 Action 1: Display picture of Training\Unit_Detail using position TrainingUp
 Action 2: Display list (CEL) using position TrainingDown

10 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Construct a detail picture

 Task
 Construct in the unit detail picture Pictures\Training\Unit_Detail:
 Place and link existing building block Building Blocks\Training\Unit

 Construct a feeder by using the “combi-element”

and link it to …Q00.BIN

11 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Construct a detail picture

 Adapt / change the symbolic of the circuit breaker as follows:

Symbol State





12 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Construct a detail picture

 Use the following ressources for the “line” objects





13 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Task: Link commands

 Until now the circuit breaker symbol has only display functionality

 Now we will parameterize our first command

PP1.U1.Q00 + BIN = PP1.U1.Q00.BIN
PP1.U1.Q00 + CMD = PP1.U1.Q00.CMD

14 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Monitoring of commands

 The circuitbreaker need to be monitored

15 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lessong: Command interlocking

 The command initiation shall be allowed in case of “remote” authority only

16 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Command initiation with Button-Element

 The command initiation of the ciruitbreaker shall be additionally done via


17 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Task: Link setpoints

 Task
 Link the setpoints PB_SET und Q_SET
 The corresponding measurands shall have the values of the setpoint after

successful setting

18 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Setpoint interlocking

 The setpoint initiation shall be allowed in case of “remote” authority only

19 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Advanced Picture Construction

 How can I use ONE picture for MORE parts of my plant?

20 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Macro picture usage

 Solution: Macro pictures !

 Transfer an argument (“TA-Section”) from the button

21 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Macro picture usage

 For all dynamic objects the placeholder $TASection$ has to be used within
the picture Training\Unit_Detail

22 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Macro picture usage

 The earnings of our efforts

 Construct the selection buttons for Engines 2 und 3
 Text addresses: PP1.U2* und PP1.U3*

23 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Bar objects

 Alter the picture Training\Plant with a bar view of PB, Q

 User the prepared bar objects of the Basics\SymbolCollection
 Fill color “green”

24 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011
Lesson: Pie-scale objects

 Alter the picture Training\Plant with pie-scale objects of PB, Q

 User the prepared pie-scale objects of the Basics\SymbolCollection

25 www.andritz.com, 06.12.2011

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