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How the TCP/IP Protocol Works

Les Cottrell SLAC

Lecture # 1 presented at the 26th International Nathiagali Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, 25th June 14th July, Nathiagali, Pakistan

Partially funded by DOE/MICS Field Work Proposal on Internet End-to-end Performance Monitoring (IEPM), also supported by IUPAP

This is not a lecture on how to program TCP/IP, rather an introduction to how major portions works IP Addressing: IP addresses, ARP, routing ICMP UDP TCP: flow control, error recovery, establishment, diconnect References:
Internetworking with TCP/IP, volume I, principles, protocols & Architecture, by Douglas Comer TCP/IP Illustrated: the protocols, by W. Richard Stevens Most information also available free via Web searches


TCP/IP Internet provides 3 layers of service Application services Transport Services

Internet Protocol (IP RFC-791)

Connectionless packet delivery service Layering allows one to replace one service without affecting others IP layer (basic unit of transfer in TCP/IP) provides: Best-effort (does not discard capriciously), unreliable (no guarantees) Packet may be lost, duplicated, out-of-order with no notification Connectionless (each packet treated independently) IP software provides routing 3

Internet datagram
Basic transfer unit
Datagram header Datagram data area

Format of Internet datagram

0 4 8 16 19 24 31 Vers Hlen Type of serv. Total length Identification Flags Fragment offset TTL Protocol Header Checksum Source IP address Destination IP address IP Options (if any) Padding Data

Vers (4 bits): version of IP protocol (IPv4=4) Hlen (4 bits): Header length in 32 bit words, without options (usual case) = 20 Type of Service TOS (8 bits): little used in past, now being used for QoS Total length (16 bits): length of datagram in bytes, includes header and data Time to live TTL (8bits): specifies how long datagram is allowed to remain in internet
Routers decrement by 1 When TTL = 0 router discards datagram Prevents infinite loops

IP datagram format (cont.)

Protocol (8 bits): specifies the format of the data area

Protocol numbers administered by central authority to guarantee agreement, e.g. TCP=6, UDP=17

IP Datagram format (cont.)

Source & destination IP address (32 bits each): contain IP address of sender and intended recipient Options (variable length): Mainly used to record a route, or timestamps, or specify routing

IP Fragmentation
How do we send a datagram of say 1400 bytes through a link that has a Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of say 620 bytes? Answer the datagram is broken into fragments Net 1 MTU=1500 Net 3 MTU=1500

Net 2 MTU=620

Router fragments 1400 byte datagrams

Into 600 bytes, 600 bytes, 200bytes (note 20 bytes for IP header) Routers do NOT reassemble, up to end host

Identification: copied into fragment, allows destination to know which fragments belong to which datagram Fragment Offset (12 bits): specifies the offset in the original datagram of the data being carried in the fragment
Measured in units of 8 bytes starting at 0

Fragmentation Control

Flags (3 bits): control fragmentation

Reserved (0-th bit) Dont Fragment DF (1st bit):
useful for simple (computer bootstrap) application that cant handle also used for MTU discovery (see later) if need to fragment and cant router discards & sends error to source

More Fragments (least sig bit): tells receiver it has got last fragment

TCP traffic is hardly ever fragmented (due to use of MTU discovery). About 0.5% - 0.1% of TCP packets are fragmented .

Fragment series composition

Offset=0 More frags

Offset=1480 More frags

Offset=2960 More frags

Offset=3440 Last frag

NB. If data segment contains its own header that is not replicated

Internet Addressing
IP address is a 32 bit integer
Refers to interface rather than host Consists of network and host portions
Enables routers to keep 1 entry/network instead of 1/host

Class A, B, C for unicast Class D for multicast Class E reserved Classless addresses

Written as 4 octets/bytes in decimal format


Internet Class-based addresses

Class A: large number of hosts, few networks
0nnnnnnn hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
7 network bits (0 and 127 reserved, so 126 networks), 24 host bits (> 16M hosts/net) Initial byte 1-127 (decimal)

Class B: medium number of hosts and networks

10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
16,384 class B networks, 65,534 hosts/network Initial byte 128-191 (decimal)

Class C: large number of small networks

110nnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn hhhhhhhh
2,097,152 networks, 254 hosts/network Initial byte 192-223 (decimal)

Class D: 224-239 (decimal) Multicast [RFC1112] Class E: 240-255 (decimal) Reserved


A subnet mask is applied to the host bits to determine how the network is subnetted, e.g. if the host is:, and the subnet mask is then the right hand 8 bits are for the host (255 is decimal for all bits set in an octet) Host addresses of all bits set or no bits set, indicate a broadcast, i.e. the packet is sent to all hosts.


Prefix Length

Subnet Mask Conversions

Subnet Mask Prefix Length Subnet Mask

/1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16

/17 /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /23 /24 /25 /26 /27 /28 /29 /30 /31 /32

Decimal Octet

Binary Number

128 192 224 240 248 252 254 255

1000 0000 1100 0000 1110 0000 1111 0000 1111 1000 1111 1100 1111 1110 1111 1111


Address depletion
In 1991 IAB identified 3 dangers
Running out of class B addresses Increase in nets has resulted in routing table explosion Increase in net/hosts exhausting 32 bit address space

Four strategies to address

Creative address space allocation {RFC 2050} Private addresses {RFC 1918}, Network Address Translation (NAT) {RFC 1631} Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) {RFC 1519} IP version 6 (IPv6) {RFC 1883}

Class A addresses 64 127 reserved

Handle on individual basis

Creative IP address allocation

Class B only assigned given a demonstrated need Class C

divided up into 8 blocks allocated to regional authorities 208-223 remains unassigned and unallocated

Three main registries handle assignments

APNIC Asia & Pacific ARIN N. & S. America, Caribbean & sub-Saharan Africa RIPE Europe and surrounding areas

IP addresses that are not globally unique, but used exclusively in an organization Three ranges: - a single class A net - 16 contiguous class Bs 256 contiguous class Cs

Private IP Addresses

Connectivity provided by Network Address Translator (NAT)

translates outgoing private IP address to Internet IP address, and a return Internet IP address to a private address Only for TCP/UDP packets

Class InterDomain Routing (CIDR)

Many organization have > 256 computers but few have more than several thousand Instead of giving class B (16384 nets) give sufficient contiguous class C addresses to satisfy needs
< 256 addresses assign 1 class C < 8192 addresses assign 32 contiguous Class C nets


Since assigned contiguously, class C CIDR has same most significant bits & so only needs one routing table entry CIDR block represented by a prefix and prefix length
Prefix = single address representing block of nets, e.g = 11000000 00100000 10001000 00000000 while = 11000000 00100000 10001111 00000000

CIDR & Supernetting

21 bit prefix (2048 host Prefix length indicates number of routing bits, e.g.

addresses) means 21 bits used for routing CIDR collects all nets in range through 143.0 into a single router entry reduces router table entries

Removes address classes A, B & C boundaries For more details see RFC 1519


IP address is at network layer, need to map it to the MAC (Ethernet address) link layer address Use ARP to map 48 bit Ethernet address to 32 bit IP
IP requests MAC address for IP address from local ARP table If not there, then an ARP request packet for IP address is sent using physical broadcast address (all FFFs) Host with requested IP address responds with its MAC address as a unicast packet On return, host updates ARP table and returns MAC address ARP cache times out ARP packets are on top of Ethernet

Address Recognition Protocol (ARP)

ARP cont.
ARP requests are local only, do not cross routers
Subnet 1 Subnet 2

User A

User B

Compare local IP and subnet mask => local subnet Compare local subnet to destination IP
if local, ARP for MAC address else remote so
if ROUTE entry, ARP for router to subnet if default route, ARP for default gateway otherwise, drop packet & return error

Routers must select next hop for packet Get route information from other routers via a routing protocol (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP etc.) Note the following are non-routable:
private networks:,, Loopback


ICMP Purpose (RFC 792)

Communicates control & error information
Between routers and hosts Only reports to original source, suggests corrections Error messages about error messages are not generated Never generated due to multicasts 0 8 16 24 31 Type Code Checksum ICMP data (depends on type/code)

Packet format


Main ICMP request types

Type ICMP 0 Echo reply, ping 3 Destination unreachable (code 1 host, code 3 port) DF and must fragment (code 4) 4 5 8 11 12 Source quench Redirect (change a route) Echo request Time exceeded (code 0 ttl=0, code 1 reassembly) Parameter problems

Very commonly used diagnostic tool Implementations vary between OS Build echo request

ICMP Echo/Ping

0 8 16 24 31 Type=8 Code=0 Checksum Identifier Sequence number Optional data

Identifier used to match request to replies (e.g. pid) Sequence number, starts at 0 increments by 1 for each ping packet
Used to detect loss, reorder, duplicates

Optional data, sent by requester, returned by replier

Usually contains a timestamp when the request was sent plus pad data

Host reachable

What do we learn from Ping

Host may respond to ping but not be running services

Round trip timing Lost packets Packet reordering duplicate packets Example:
13cottrell@noric05:~>ping -c 4 PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=242 time=716.962 msec 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=242 time=720.375 msec 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=242 time=725.907 msec 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=242 time=710.734 msec --- ping statistics --4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 710.734/718.494/725.907/5.566 ms

76cottrell@flora06:~>ping ICMP 13 Unreachable from gateway for icmp from FLORA06.SLAC.Stanford.EDU ( to (


What does this mean, see exercise?


Time Exceeded
0 8 Type 11 Code 16 Unused Internet header & 8 bytes of data Time-to-live has expired at a router (code=0)
ttl sets bound on number routers datagram can transit
Prevents infinite routine loops Initialized by sender, decremented by 1 each time passes router When ttl = 0 datagram thrown away & sender notified by ICMP message

24 31 Checksum

Fragment reassembly timer (code=1)


MTU Discovery

Path MTUs vary Fragmentation is bad Small transmission units are bad SO need to discover optimum MTU (largest without fragmentation) Host sends a packet with the Dont Fragment bit set
Length is lesser of local MTU and MSS announced by remote system If MTU between hosts requires fragmentation (e.g. at an intermediate router), then
if an ICMP DF bit set & must fragment then an ICMP message is sent back to source, saying I cant fragment try again with smaller size.

RFC 768, Protocol 17

Port 1 Port 2

User Datagram Protocol - UDP

Port 1 Port 2

Demux on Port number Demux on IP protocol

Transport Network



Provides unreliable, connectionless on top of IP Minimal overhead, high performance

No setup/teardown, 1 datagram at a time

Application responsible for reliability

Includes datagram loss, duplication, delay, out-ofsequence, multiplexing, loss of connectivity

UDP Datagram format

8 16 24 31

Source port Destination port UDP message len Checksum (opt.) Data
Source/destination port: port numbers identify sending & receiving processes
Port number & IP address allow any application in any computer on Internet to be uniquely identified Used to demultiplex datagrams to processes Ports can be static or dynamic
Static (< 1024) assigned centrally, known as well known ports Dynamic

Message length in bytes includes the UDP header and data


UDP applications
Message oriented, e.g. SNMP, DNS, time File system, e.g. NFS, AFS Lightweight file transfer, e.g. tftp, bootp


Transmission Control Protocol -TCP

RFC 768 & host requirements RFC 1122
Reliable stream transport
Connection oriented (full duplex virtual circuit)
Conceptually place call, two ends communicate to agree on details After agreeing application notified of connection During transfer, ends communicate continuously to verify data received correctly When done, ends tear down the connection If UDP is like regular mail, TCP is like phone call

Provides buffering and flow control Takes care of lost packets, out of order, duplicates, long delays Isolates application program from network details Jargon
Segment = TCP packet Socket= source (address + port) + destination (address + port)

TCP layering
App. Transport
IP port 6

Port 1

Port 2

Port 1

Port 2



To ID connection need:

Demux on Port number Demux on IP protocol

Source: (address, port) AND Destination: (address, port) Only need one port on host to allow multiple connections, since each connection will have different (host, port) at other end
E.g. single host can serve multiple telnet connections

Passive open: application contacts OS & indicates will accept incoming connection, OS assigns port and listens Active open: application requests OS to connect to an (host, port)

TCP providing reliability

Positive acknowledgement (ACK) with retransmission
Sender keeps record of each packet sent Sender awaits an ACK Sender starts timer when sends packet Sender site
Send pkt 1 Rcv ACK 1 Send pkt 2 Rcv ACK 2

Receiver site
Rcv pkt 1 Send ACK 1 Rcv pkt 2 Send ACK 2


Network messages

TCP simple lost packet recovery

Sender site
Send pkt 1 Start timer ACK normally arrives Timer expires Retransmit pkt 1 start timer Rcv ACK 1

Receiver site Loss

Pkt should arrive ACK should be sent

Rcv pkt 1 Send ACK 1

Network messages

TCP improving performance

BUT simple ACK protocol wastes bandwidth since it must delay sending next packet until it gets ACK Use sliding window

Initial window of 4 packets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Window slides
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Packets successfully sent

of data without ACK Sender can send 4 packetsPackets sent, awaiting
When sender gets ACK then can send another packet Window = unacknowledged packets/bytes Keeps timer for each packet

Packets to be sent ACK


Optimal window size depends on:

Tuning to fill pipe

Bandwidth end to end, i.e. min(BWlinks) AKA bottleneck bandwidth Round Trip Time (RTT) For TCP keep pipe full
Window (sometime called pipe) ~ RTT*BW

Can increase bandwidth by

orders of magnitude Windows also used for flow control

t = bits in packet/link speed




Sliding window operates at byte level, NOT packet

Current window
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Highest byte that can be sent Highest byte sent Bytes sent and acknowledged

3 pointers

Receiver keeps similar window to put stream back together Since full duplex, altogether 4 windows & pointer sets

TCP flow control

Windows vary over time
Receiver advertises (in ACKs) how many it can receive
Based on buffers etc. available

Sender adjusts its window to match advertisement If receiver buffers fill, it sends smaller adverts

Used to match buffer requirements of receiver Also used to address congestion control (e.g. in intermediate routers)


TCP Segment format

0 4 8 10 16 24 31

Source port Destination port Sequence number Acknowledgement number Hlen Resv Code Window Checksum Urgent ptr Options (if any) Padding Data if any
Source/Dest port: TCP port numbers to ID applications at both ends of connection Sequence number: ID position in senders byte stream

TCP segment format cont.

Acknowledgement: identifies the number of the byte the sender of this segment expects to receive next Hlen: specifies the length of the segment header in 32 bit multiples. If there are no options, the Hlen = 5 (20 bytes) Reserved for future use, set to 0 Code: used to determine segment purpose, e.g. SYN, ACK, FIN, URG


TCP Segment format- cont

Window: Advertises how much data this station is willing to accept. Can depend on buffer space remaining. Checksum: Verifies the integrity of the TCP header and data. It is mandatory. Urgent pointer: used with the URG flag to indicate where the urgent data starts in the data stream. Typically used with a file transfer abort during FTP or when pressing an interrupt key in telnet. Options: used for window scaling, SACK, timestamps, maximum segment size etc.

TCP records time segment sent and time ACK received Then calculates RTT sample Smooth & use to estimate timeout, e.g.
Timeout=beta * RTTs Timeout= RTTs + eta{=4}*f(dev(RTTs))

RTT ms.

Need a timeout estimate that will work for LANs (RTT < msec.) to satellite WANs (hundreds of msec. to secs). RTT can vary a lot with time of day, day of week, or one second to next. May 12th

TCP timeout

Time of day

Needs to take account of losses, e.g.

New_timeout=gamma{2} * timeout

TCP connection establishment

3 way handshake
Active Send SYN seq x Win 4096, m

Site 1

Site 2
s s 1024

Rcv SYN/ACK Send ACK y+1

Passive 96, mss 1024 Win 40

Rcv SYN segment Send SYN seq=y, ACK x+1 Rcv ACK segment

Initial sequence numbers (x, y) are chosen randomly Guarantees both sides ready & know it, and sets initial sequence numbers, also sets window & mss Once connection established, data can flow in both directions, equally well, there is no master or slave

Modified 3 way handshake (or 4 way termination)

TCP close connection

Site 2
Rcv FIN segment Send ACK x=1 (inform app)

(App closes) Send FIN seq=x Rcv ACK segment

Site 1

Rcv FIN + ACK seg Send ACK y+1 remaining data & waits App tells TCP to close, TCP sends Receive ACK segment for ACK, then sends FIN Site 2 TCP ACKs FIN, tells its application end of data Site 2 sends FIN when its app closes connection (may be long delay (e.g. require human interaction).

(app closes connection) Send FIN seq=y, ACK x+1

Lectures, tutorials etc:

More Information


TCP/IP Resources

Understanding IP addresses

Configuring TCP (RFC 1122)

Assigned protocols, ports etc (RFC 1010) & /etc/protocols

atlas> telnet

Example: 3 way handshake

atlas is a WNT PC, sunstats is a Sun Solaris 5.6 host MSS is set in TCP option in a SYN segment, communicates the MSS the sender wants to receive len=ip_hlen/tcp_hlen:ip_total_len Initial Sequence Numbers are randomly selected Telnet = port 23 W=Receive window size advertises how much data this host will accept


Example: 3 way handshake - cont.

TCP from atlas:1174 to sunstats:23 seq=180839, A=0, W=8192, SYN [len=5/6:44, opt=020405B4 <opt=2, len=4, mss=0x5B4=1460>] TCP from sunstats:23 to atlas:1174 seq=1383568304, A=180840, W=64240, SYN/ACK [len=5/6:44, opt=020405B4] TCP from atlas:1174 to sunstats:23 seq =180840, A=1383568305, W=8760 [len=5/5:40, opt=nul]
Notice window size can vary from segment to segment depending on buffer space available Notice smaller PC window advertisement Notice ephemeral port selected by telnet client Notice acknowledge next expected byte (=seq+1) 0x020405B4: 02 = option type, 04=len, 0x5B4=1460


Session start
SLAC>CERN: 256kbyte window,1 stream,
full speed > 30msec, 13MBytes in 20s, 5.1MBytes/s

Congestion window

Rcvr Advertised window Segments sent Acks returned by Rcvr


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