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to the Philosophy of
Human Person
Opening Prayer

1. How will you define environment in

this pandemic covid19?
2. How do you see yourself as a person in
the environment?
Module 5:
Freedom of the
Human Person
Life Performance Outcome:
Mindful, Self – directed LEARNERS

Essential Performance Element:

Explain the factors that generally
affect their decisions and actions, and
assess the consequence they produce.
• Core Program Outcomes
Willingly share responsibilities and participate actively
in fostering group collegiality, cohesion and
effectiveness (Collaborative Learning)
• Performance Standard
The learner shows situations that demonstrate freedom
of choice and the consequences of choices
• Content Standard
The learner understands the human person’s freedom.
(MELC) Competencies
5.1 Realize that “all actions have consequences” TeacherLed
5.2 Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
5.3 Realize that:
a. Choices have consequences
b. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making
choices IL
 5.4 Shows situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and
consequences of choices -CL
 What defines freedom?
 Are we totally free?
 Freedom comes from where?
a. What is the message of the
song towards Freedom?
b. What is the difference
between freedom and freewill?
c. How does this freedom
contribute to the morality?
The power or right to act, speak, or
think as you want without hindrance
or restraint is called Freedom.
Freewill involves the Internal
capacity/ability in making a
The ability to exercise one’s
freedom in any manner is called
Freedom of Choice.
All human beings are entitled to make
decisions for themselves in whatever way
they choose to.
Do you think we have limitations in
choosing? How will you explain it?

• Absolute choices that causes oneself

or another to harm.
• It can be compared to a cause and
effect relationship where a decision
concluded with a corresponding
effect on the person or the
All decisions, big or
small, have
consequences which
may be good or bad.
If all actions have consequences, how
will be prudent in all your choices?

Prudence is an act of making

good judgment that allows a
person to avoid risks.
Exercising prudence in choice
implies that one has already
criticized all available options,
and a well-thought-of choice
has been made.
Essential Question

Can your freedom of choice, at

some point or instance in your
life, be legally removed from
you? Why? Why not?
Anyone would like to
give his/her reflections
about our lesson?
Do you any more
clarifications, questions?
Formation / LPO

As a Christ Centered Paulinian

how will you explain the factors that
generally affect your decisions and
actions, and the consequences
being produce?

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