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Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.

MM Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

St p 1

Establish th n d for mark ting r s arch D fin th probl m Establish r s arch obj ctiv s D t rmin r s arch d sign Id ntify information typ s and sourc s D t rmin m thods of acc ssing data D sign data coll ction forms D t rmin sampl plan and siz Coll ct data Analyz data Pr par and pr s nt th final r s arch r ports
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwi , SE.,MM - Mark ting R s arch

St p 2

St p 3

St p 4

St p 5

St p 6

St p 7

St p 8

st p 9

St p 10

St p 11

The need for marketing research arises when managers must make decisions and they have inadequate information. Not all decisions will require marketing research. Research takes time and costs money Managers must weight the value ossibly derived from conducting marketing research and having the information at hand against, the cost of obtaining that information.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research

The information is already available

Managers make many decisions. Many of these decisions are routine and the manager has the ex erience to make the decision without any additional information.

The timing is wring to conduct marketing research Funds are not available for marketing research Costs outweigh the value of marketing research

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research

This is the most im ortant ste , because if the roblem is incorrectly defined, all else is wasted effort. Defining the roblem is the most im ortant ste in the marketing research rocess. If the wrong roblem is defined, everything else is wrong.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research

Two sources of roblem

We must understand that roblems may come from two different sources. A problem exists when a ga exists between what was supposes to ha en and what did ha en, failure to meet an objective. This second ty e of roblem, called an opportunity, occurs when there is a ga between what did ha en and what could have ha ened. A marketing o ortunity has been defined as an area of buyer need or otential interest in which a com any can erform rofitably.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research

Research objectives state what the researchers must do. A rocess for determining the roblem and establishing research objectives when the source of the roblem is a failure to meet an objective : .hal 79.

assess the background and the manager s situation. Clarify the sym toms of the roblem Pin oint sus ected causes of the sym tom S ecify solutions that may alleviate the sym tom Identify the manager s assum tions about the consequences of the solutions  Assess the adequency of information on hand to s ecify research objectives.
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research 7

By research design we are referring to the research a roach undertaken to meet the research objectives. There are three widely recognized research designs:
 Ex loratory (67): informal research that is undertaken

to learn more about the research roblem, learn terms and definitions, or identify research riority.  Descri tive : refers to research that describes the henomena of interest.  Causal design: causal studies attem t to uncover what factor or factors cause some event.
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research 8

Since research rovides information to hel solve roblems, researchers must identifify the ty e and sources of informations they will use. There are two ty es of information: rimary (information collected s ecifically for the roblem at hand) and secondary (information already collected).

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research

Accessing data may be accom lished throught a variety of methods. While secondary data is relatively easy to access, accessing rimary data is much more com lex. When researcher must communicate with res ondents, there are three main choices of accessing data:
 Have a erson ask questions (home survey or tele hone

survey)  Use com uter-assisted or direct questions (assisted tele hone intervien or OL survey delivered to an e-mail address)  Allow res ondents to answer questions themselves without com uter assistance (mail survey)
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research


If we communicate with res ondents (ask them questions), the form is called questionnaire. If we observe res ondents, the form is called an observation form The questions asked will generate answers that satisfy the research objectives and that can therefore be used to solve the roblem. The questions must be worded ro erly so that they are clear and unbiased.
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research 11

Marketing research studies are undertaken to learn about o ulations by taking a sam le of that o ulation. A o ulation consists of the entire grou that the researcher wishes to make inferences about based u on information rovided by the sam le data. Po ulations should be defined by the research objectuves. A sam le is a subset of the o ulation Sam le lan describe how each sam le element, or unit, is to be drawn from the total o ulation. How many elements of the o ulation should be used to make u the sam le? The size of the sam le determines how accuately your sam le result reflect values in the o ulations.
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research 12

Ste 9: collect data

 Nonres onse errors (105 malhotra)  Res onse errors

Ste 10: Analyze Data

 Marketing researchers transfer data from the data

collection forms and enter the data into software ackages that aid them in analyzing the data

Ste 11: re are and resent the final research re orts

 The re orts is very im ortant because, often, this is

the only record of the research roject for the client

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie, SE.,MM - Marketing Research 13

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