Vi. Observational Studies, Surveys and Interviews

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Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie,SE,MM Marketing Research

Nonbehavioral observation y Behavioral observation


Nonbehavioral observation y Record analysis y Physical condition analysis y Process or activity analysis

Behavioral observation y Nonverbal analysis y Linguistic analysis y Extralinguistic analysis y Spatial analysis

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 2

Collect the original data at the time it occurs y Secure information that participants would ignore because its so common it is not seen as relevant y Only method available to collect certain types of data

Advantages of the Observational Method

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 3

Capture the whole event as it occurs in its natural environment y Participants seem to accept an observational intrusion better than they respond to questioning

Advantages of the Observational Method (cont.)

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 4

Observer or recording equipment must be at the scene of the event when it takes place y Slow process y Expensive process y Most reliable results are restricted to information that can be learned by overt action or surface indicators

Limitations of the Observational Method

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 5

Research environment is more likely suited to subjective assessment and recording of data than to quantification of events y Limited as a way to learn about the past y Cannot observe rationale for actions, only actions themselves

Limitations of the Observational Method (cont.)

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 6

Relationship between Observer and Participant

y y y

Direct or indirect observation Observers presence known or unknown to the participant Observer is involved or not involved with the participant

Observation Methods
y y y y y

Direct Indirect Participant Simple Systematic

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 7

Guidelines for Selecting Observers

Ability to concentrate in a setting full of distractions y Ability to remember details of an experience y Ability to be unobtrusive in the observational situation y Ability to extract the most from an observational study

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie

Observation Data Collection

y y

Who What
Event Sampling Time Sampling

y y y

When How Where

Sources of Error in Interview Surveys

1. Nonresponse errors due to refusals 2. Inaccuracy in responses 3. Errors caused by interviews
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 9

Sources of Error in Information from Respondents

Ambiguity of question Sample POPULATION RESPONDENT Question answer INTERVIEWER Interviewer error

Nonresponse due to refusals or not-at-home Inaccuracy in response -inability to Sampling error formulate a response -Unwillingness to respond

Ambiguity of answer

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Sources of Error in Interview Surveys

1. Nonresponse errors due to refusals a. Fear of the consequences of participation b. Resentment of an invasion of privacy c. Anxiety about the subject 2. Inaccuracy in responses a. Inability to give a response I. Ignorance of the answer ii. Memory of problems iii. Problems in formulating an answer
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 11

Sources of Error in Interview Surveys

2. Inaccuracy in responses b. Unwillingness to respond accurately I. Concern about invasion of privacy ii. Time pressure and fatigue iii. Desire to enhance prestige iv. Desire to appear cooperative v. Biased response style vi. Interviewer expecting the respondent to have an answer

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Sources of Error in Interview Surveys

3. Errors caused by interviews a. Provision of clues to appropriate responses b.Inadequate questioning and probing c. Fraud and deceit

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Factors Affecting The Choice of a Survey Method

Sampling y Type of Population y Question Form y Question Content y Response Rates y Costs y Available Facilities y Duration of Data Collection
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 14

Information From Respondents: Surveys and interviews

Collecting Data
y Personal

Interviewing y Telephone Interviewing y Mail Surveys y Combination of Survey Methods

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Personal Interviewing
y Door-to-door interviewing y Executive interviewing y Mall intercept surveys y Self administrated questionnaire y Purchase intercept technique y Omnibus surveys

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Door-toDoor-to-Door Interviewing
Interview in which consumers are interviewed in person in their home y It has traditionally been considered the best survey method

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Executive Interviewing
Is used by marketing researchers to refer to the industrial equivalent of door-to-door interviewing. y It involves interviewing business people at their officers concerning industrial products or services.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Executive Interviewing
Advantages - It requires very best interviewers y Disadvantages - Very expensive

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Mall Intercept Surveys


Interviewers, stationed at entrances or selected location or invite them to be interviewed at a special facility in the mall. Advantages
Plentiful of respondents Low cost

Not representative for the general population
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 21

In this method, no interviewer is involved. y Often used in malls or other central location where the researcher has access to a captive audience.
y y y

Low cost

Results in the answers to most of the open-ended question being totally useless

SelfSelf-Administrated Questionnaire
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 22

Purchase Intercept Technique

This technique combines both in-store observation and in-sore interviewing to assess shopping behavior and the reason behind that behavior. y It is different from but related to the mall intercept approach
y y y

It aids buyer recall.

Not representative for the general population
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 23

Omnibus Surveys
Regularly scheduled (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) personal interview surveys with questions provided by a number of separate clients. y Advantages

Low total cost The results available quickly A suitable base for continuous tracking studies and before-after studies

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Interviewing

Advantages y High rate of participation y High degree of flexibility Disadvantages y Generalization about the accuracy are hazardous

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Time consuming y Administratively difficult y Costly


Limitations of Personal Interviewing

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 26

Telephone Interviewing
Random-Digit Dialing y Systematic Random-Digit Dialing y Plus-One Dialing
y y

Random-Digit Dialing
A nondirectory procedure for selecting all 10 (area code, prefix or exchange , suffix) telephone number digits at random.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Systematic Random-Digit RandomDialing


A researcher specifies those telephone area codes and exchanges, or prefixes, from which numbers to be selected.

PlusPlus-One Dialing

A directory assisted, random-digit dialing telephone number selection procedure.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Advantages and Disadvantages of Telephone Interviewing


More interviews can be conducted in a given time period, because no time is lost in traveling and locating respondents More hours of the day are productive, especially the evening hours when working women and singles are to be at home. Low cost

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Mail Surveys

In this survey mode, questionnaires traditionally are mailed to potential study participants, who complete and return them by mail.

Advantages of Mail Surveys

y y y

Low cost Accurate results Generally are superior when sensitive or potentially embarrassing topics are covered

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Limitations of Mail Surveys

Long questionnaires without complicated questions cannot be used without diminishing the response rate y Limited to situation where a mailing list is available and the cost of the list is not prohibitive y The response rate

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


Factors to Influence the Response Rate

The perceived amount of work required, which in turn depends on the length of the questionnaire. y The interest of the topic y The characteristics of the sample y The credibility of the sponsoring organization y The level of induced motivation y Increased unethical use of marketing research to sell products
Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 32

Mail Panels

A representative national sample of people who have agreed to participate in a limited number of mail surveys each year.

Fax Surveys
Fax machines have become feasible tools for use by marketing research in addressing certain research question y It can provide faster and highly rates without reducing data quality.

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie


The telephone prenotification approach is essentially a phone call to ask permission to mail of fax a questionnaire y Drop-off approach is designed to circumvent the screens that receptionists and the secretaries set around busy executives

Combination of Survey Methods

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 34

Computer-Assisted Telephone (CATI) y Computer Interactive Interviewing y Electronic Mail (E-Mail) Survey

Trends in Survey Research

Dr. Hj. Alvi Furwanti Alwie 35

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