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ASTM E 2737 Evalutaion tool for the

duplex plate phantom

VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Solutions 1

Duplex Plate Phantom

z Cunstruction:
• Two plates of the same material
y • Plate 2 has the same size in x- and half size in z-direction
x of plate
• The thickness of plate 1 matches the minimum thickness
of the material for inspection
• The thickness of Plate 1 plus Plate 2 matches the
maximum thickness of the material for inspection
• the corresponding holepenetrameters and the duplex IQI

Plate 1
should be fixed on the plates as shown in the image
• The checkered areas show the positions for the ROI‘s for
SNR measurement

Plate 2

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You‘ll find the tool under „measurement“ → „ASTM E2737“



1. Open the ASTM E2737 tool

2. At the first time no ROI‘s are saved, so
they have to be setted unter the item

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Set ROIs – spatial resolution with Duplex Wire IQI

1. 2. 1. Use the marked drawing tool
2. Raise a rectangle around the
3. Chosse the key „Set Duplex Wire
Area“, now the ROI is fixed

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Set ROIs – CNR evaluation with holepenetrameter

2. 1. Set a ROI, depending on the

specification, around the 1T, 2T or
4T hole on the thin plate
2. Click „Set Hole Penetrameter
1. Light“

VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Solutions 5

Set ROIs – CNR evaluation with holepenetrameter

3. 1. Scroll to the thick material plate

2. Set a ROI, depending on the
specification, around the 1T, 2T or
4T hole on the thick plate
2. 3. Click on „Set Hole Penetrameter


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Set ROIs – SNR evaluation

1. Scroll back to the thin plate

3. 2. Set a ROI in the lower left corner of

the thin base material
3. Click „Set ROI Thin 1“


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Set ROIs – SNR evaluation

1. 1. Set a ROI in the upper right corner

of the thin base material
2. 2. „Set ROI Thin 2“ wählen

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Set ROIs – SNR evaluation

1. Scroll back to the thick plate

2. Set a ROI in the lower left corner of
the thick base material
3. Click „Set ROI Thick 1“


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Set ROIs – SNR evaluation

1. Set a ROI in upper right right

corner of the thick base material
2. Click „Set ROI Thick 2“


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1. Put in the right thicknesses (in
mm!) and the GBV-Value (standard
is 2.5, but depends on the
2. With „save“ the values and the
ROIs get seved
3. 3. With clicking „Evaluate“ you can
see, if the holes and wires are
detected in the right way
4. The results are shown at the tap
„Evaluate“ at the upper end of the

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1. Shows the results
2. In this area additional notes can

1. be written
3. With „Save report“ a word-
template get filled with the values
and can be safed


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