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Look at the numbers on my face you won’t find 13 in any place. What
am I?
• You can play with it at night. It can give you text and call even
information that you want. Who am I?
• - I am a word. My name starts in letter I and ends in letter T. I am
useful in opening website like google, yahoo and Facebook. Can you
guess me?
• - You can take me wherever you go. I can take all your precious
moments with your friends and family. I can take video too. Who am
• - I am something in your house in the living room I am seen. When
you sit on the sofa, you can watch things on my widescreen. Can you
guess me?
• 1. Discuss the future and current trends in media and information
• 2. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and its advantages and
Learning Competencies
• Demonstrates understanding of different resources of media and
• Evaluates current trends in media and information and how it will
affect/how they affect individuals and the society as a whole
• Describe the impact of massive open on-line
• Students will be divided into 4 groups and watch a video presentation
entitled “Watch your Day in 2020”in the class.
1.According to the video, what information will you be able to see in
the bathroom mirror? Group 1
2.What will be the features of the appliances in the kitchen and
bedroom? Group 2
3.Do you think these features can make the world better, as the video
states? Why? GROUP 3
4.This video was uploaded five years ago. Do you think that these
predictions about technology back in 2015 were realized today?
• Every time we browse the internet for leisure, we would most likely
look into one common item:


A change or develop towards something new or different; reflects what

seems to be going around at any given time
Google Glass

It has a touchpadon the

side which allows user
to control and
navigating it by swiping
Apple Watch

It connects through the

internet, which allows
user to receive and
respond to notifications
Advantages Of MOOCs
• You can learn from your friends through a social networking site.
• Access to the course is free of cost
• Material is advocated by top professors
The course material of MOOCs has been selected by top professors in
• Allows you to learn different languages
Since language-based learning is also available in MOOCs, they
prepare students for entrance tests in various languages.
• Such courses offer admission to everybody
It's true that MOOCs are available for everybody who can't attend
regular courses either due to time or financial constraints.
Sometimes, the course you want to enroll in is not taught at your
college so you have to go to a MOOC provider to study the course.
•  Choose a major
If you are unable to decide on a major in college, then you can test
yourself in a MOOC first. This will give you first-hand knowledge about
the subject you are willing to study in college. You can get to know
through a MOOC how interesting is that subject, rather than cho
Disadvantages Of MOOCs
• High attrition rates
One of the biggest disadvantages is that students are not interested in
completing the course. This is because they don’t have the inclination to
do so because they have not paid any fees. When the attrition rate was
studied in some Massive Open Online Courses, it was found to be high.
• Not meant for students with disabilities
Learners who have visual disabilities can't be made to go through such
• No special attention
The students if they don’t understand a topic, can't get special attention
from the tutor.
• Unable to pay attention
Students are unable to pay attention to such courses because they just
have to browse through the course material. There is no animation in
the course material. There is also no introduction given. Sometimes,
although the course was cited as free, there were costs incurred in the
form of readings required from books as advised by the course
• No requirements for signing up for the course
There is no age requirement for admission to a course. You can sign up
for it without any age requirement and hence study what you want to.
• With the same group think of a current media and information
technology you currently own or patronize and create a review about
it. Then, try to recall years ago on how it looks like and how it
funtions. Lastly, think of how this technology will develop 10 years
from now.
Follow this format.
(Describe how the technology presented in the
middle column was according to your elder source.
Indicate also the decade when the technology was
(Identify the technology you will review and briefly
describe its features)

(Write your predictions about how the technology
described in the middle column would be 10 years
from now. Remember to include new features.)
• Instruct students to get a ¼ sheet of paper for the activity and read
the instructions carefully before answering the shortquiz.
Test I. Modified True or False
Test II. Matching Type.

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