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Agricultural Resources

This covers those productive efforts by which men settle
on the land, seek to make use of and if possible,
accelerate and improve upon the natural genetic life.
Broad Agricultural Patterns

Eastern and Central Visayas-corn, abaca, coconuts

Davao is noted for coconut and abaca
Bukidnon-is well-known for its commercial
pineapple plantation
Broad Agricultural Patterns

Big six crops in the Philippines:

Rice, corn, coconut, sugar, abaca, and tobacco
Problems in Agriculture and Livestock
Limited Fund
Administration of Pasture Land
Development of forage and pasture plants
Technical Problems
Feed Problems
Agricultural Resources and Economic Development

The government should attain balanced in agriculture and industry

Basic problem in agriculture is low productivity
What are needed to develop agricultural sector in the country:
1.Irrigation system
2.liberal use of fertilizer that will restore fertility and provide
nutrients to the crops
Agricultural Resources and Economic Development

3. Selection and development of high yielding and resistant seed

4.proper control of pests and diseases
5.improved method of cultivation and diligence on the part of
the farmer.
Land Reform and Agrarian Reform
Land Reform is the more popular term. Agrarian
reform means remedying the defects in the
distribution and utilization of the land in the hope ofi
increasing its productivity so as to improve life of the
Presidential Decree No.27
It was issued by President Ferdinand E. Marcos on
October 21, 1972
He decree the emancipation of the tenants from the
bondage of the soil and transferred to them the
ownership of the land they till, not exceeding five
hectares if not irrigated and three hectares if irrigated.
Presidential Decree No.27
All tenants in rice or corn lands were automatically
and immediately converted into owners of their
respective land holdings.
The economic family size farm was fixed at three
hectares for irrigated land and five hectares for non-
irrigated land. The original land owner was allied to
retain not more than 7 hectares provided that he
would personally cultivate the land.
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (RA
Became effective on June 10, 1988 also known as
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988.
The welfare of the landless farmers and farmworkers will
receive the highest consideration to promote social justice
and to move the nation toward sound rural development and
industrialization and establishment of owner cultivatorship
and economic size farms as basis of Philippine agriculture.
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (RA
This law covers all public and private agricultural
lands as provided in the Constitution, including
whenever applicable in accordance with the law,
other lands of thep ublic domain suitable to
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (RA
This law covers:
1.All alienable and disposable lands of public
domain devoted to or suitable for agriculture
2.All lands of the public domain in excess of the
specific limits as determined by Congress
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (RA
3.All other land owned by the government
devoted to or suitable for agriculture
4.All lands devoted to or suitable for agriculture
regardless of the agricultural products raised or
that can be raised thereon
Agricultural Reform and Economic
Agriculture is the economic foundation of the
Land reform is an instrument for socio-eocnomic
and political change not only the rural area but
also for the nation.
The objective of land reform is to make the farmers
independent, self-reliant, and responsible citizens so as to create
a viable social and economic structure.
It is social in that it emancipated the tenants from the social
shackles of inherent in the share tenancy under the landowner.
It is economic because it bestows ownership upon the tenant
farmers of the land.
It is political because it transforms the farmers into self-reliant
and responsible citizens
Agrarian reform is a program of community improvement to
make the rural communities truly the pillars of a stable and
democratic national society.
1.What is agricultural sector? Discuss its importance
in our economy. (10 pts)
2.Explain the connection of the agriculture with
economic development. (10 pts)
3.What is agrarian reform? Explain its purpose. (10

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