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Questions to Ponder

1. Is the Indonesian word “perumpamaan”

could be translated to idioms?

2. How are idioms created?


A figure of speech involving the comparison of one

thing with another of a different kind, used to make
a description more emphatic or vivid.
Several examples of
1. He is as strong as an ox.

2. Your explanation is as clear as mud.

3. You were as brave as a lion.

4. They are as different as night and day.

5. Last night, I slept like a log.


An expression containing two words that

are joined by a conjunction (usually “and”
or ‘or”). The word order of a binomial pair
is usually fixed.
Some examples
of a binomial.

1. more or less
2. wine and dine
3. bigger and better
4. dos and don’ts
5. fair and square

A short saying, usually known by many people, stating

something commonly experienced, or giving advice.
Several examples of
Don’t blow your own trumpet.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

Barking dogs seldom bite.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

1. As happy as a clam, lark
2. As brave as lion, bear
3. As cool as a cucumber
4. As beautiful as rainbow, heaven
5. As fresh as a daisy
6. As empty as burtness in December, the brom
7. As clean as a whistle
1. Chalk and cheese
2. Fair and square
3. Out and about
4. By and large everything considered
5. All in all

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