G-B HRM Presentation 1,1

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Objectives & Importance

Human Resource Management

Course Code: PMGT 5102

Course Title: Human Resource Management
Presented by: Group B
At a glance

 What is Human Resource Management

 Objectives of Human Resource Management

 Importance of Human Resource Management

 Conclusion
Human Resource Management

“The process to determine how to move an organization from its
current manpower to desired man power position”

“Process of determining manpower needs and formulate plans

to fulfill this need”

“Set of practices policies and programs desire to maximize both

personnel and organizational goal”

Objectives of HRM


Help organization in attaining its goal by providing well trained &
motivated employees

2. Employed the skills and knowledge of employee efficiently and


3. Enhance job satisfaction & self actualization by encouraging and

assisting every employee to release his potential.

4. Establish & maintaining productive, self respecting & internal
satisfaction. Working relationship among all the member of

5. Bring out maximum development of members of organization by

providing opportunities for training and advancement.

6. Develop and maintain quality of work line


7. Maintain high moral & good human relation with the

8. Help maintain ethical policies & behavior inside & outside the

9. To recognize & satisfy individual needs and group goals by

appropriate monitoring and non- monitoring incentives.

10. To manage change to mutual advantage of individual, group,

management, society.

Levels of HRM

 human resources can be discussed at four levels:
 Corporate
 Professional
 Social
 National

 HRM can help an enterprise in the following ways:
 Attracting talent through effective HRP
 Developing necessary skills & attitude with training
 Securing cooperation through motivation
 Retaining talent through the right policies
 Ensuring a team of competent & dedicated employees

 HRM helps improve quality of work life and contributes
to growth in the following ways:
 Opportunities for personal development
 Motivating work environment
 Proper allocation of work
 Healthy relationships between individuals & groups
 Promoting team-work & team spirit
 Encourage to work with deligence & commitment

 Society benefits from good HRM in many ways:
 Good employment opportunities
 Development of human capital
 Generation of income & consumption
 Better lifestyles
 Lead to productivity gain to society
 Enables managers to reduce cost & save scarce resources

 Drivers of development of a country
 Deliver economic growth
Importance of HRM

 Effective Utilization Of Resources
 Maintaining Organizational Structure
 Development Of Human Resources
 Respect For Human Beings
 Goal Harmony
 Employee Satisfaction
 Employee Discipline And Morality
 Organizational Productivity
 Budget Control
 Conflict Resolution
 Performance Improvement
 Sustaining Business
 Corporate Image
Importance of HRM (cont..)

Effective Utilization Of Resources
 HRM ensures the effective utilization of resources
 HRM teaches how to utilize human and non-human resources so
that the goals can be achieved

Maintaining Organizational Structure

 HRM helps to maintain organizational structure.
 Organizational structure defines and assigns the task for each
employee working in the organization
 The HRM system provides required information to timely and
Importance of HRM (cont..)

Development Of Human Resources

 Human resource management provides favorable environment for

employees so that people working in organization can work creatively.
 This ultimately helps them to develop their creative knowledge, ability
and skill.

Respect For Human Beings

 HRM helps for respecting the employees.
 HRM focuses on developing good working relationships among workers
and managers in organization
Importance of HRM (cont..)

Goal Harmony
 HRM bridges the gap between individual goal and organizational
goal-thereby resulting into a good harmony in an organization.
 A proper match between individual goal and organizational goal
should be there in order to utilize organizational resources effectively
and efficiently.
Employee Satisfaction
 HRM provides a series of facilities and opportunities to employees for
their career development.
 This leads to job satisfaction and commitment .
Importance of HRM (cont..)

Employee Discipline And Morality
 HRM tries to promote employee discipline and moral through
performance based incentives.
 It creates a healthy and friendly working environment through
appropriate work design and assignment of jobs.
Organizational Productivity
 HRM increases the organizational productivity

Budget Control
 HRM ensures competitive and realistic wage-setting based on
studying the labor market, employment trends and salary analysis
based on job functions & thus controls budget.
Importance of HRM (cont..)

Conflict Resolution
 HRM handle employee relations matters can identify
and resolve conflict between two employees or a
manager and employee and restore positive working

Performance Improvement
 HRM deal performance management systems
Importance of HRM (cont..)

Sustaining Business
 Through succession planning HRM can guarantee the
organization's stability and future success.
Corporate Image
 Businesses want to be known as the "employer of choice."
 Employers of choice are the companies that receive
recognition for the way they treat employees; they are the
companies for whom people want to work.

In conclusion, an effective HRM system allows organizations to address
human resource issues strategically. This helps the workforce deliver
high quality health services, despite internal and external challenges to
the organization. HRM helps attract and retain competent employees,
assists employees and managers in adapting to organizational change,
and facilitates the use of technology to determine how and where work
is done.
Human resources management is very crucial for organization without it
they can not reach their goal and objective.

Thanks to All

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