Oic 1

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Organization of Islamic

Cooperation (O.I.C)

Group “Echo”
Farasat Ayub-BBA 40
Nasir khan BBA 41
Samiullah BBA 39
Shahal khan BBA 43
Amjad khan BBA 38
Origin and founding of the OIC
•OIC is an international organization founded in
25th september 1969. The organization states that
it is “the collective voice of Muslim world”.
•Its administrative centre is in Jeddah, Saudi
•Its current secratory general is Yousuf bin Ahmad
•The organization of Islamic cooperation is the 2nd
largest organization after the united nations
•The formation of the OIC happened shortly after
the 1967 Arab-Israeli in response to fire-raising
attack on mosque al Aqsa in Jerusalem by Zionist
• The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has 57
members which spread over four continents.
 African; 27 countries
 Asian ; 25 countries
 Europe; 03 countries
 South America; 02 countries

• Its official languages are Arabic, English and French.

• OIC members represent 22 percent of the world

population (1.8 billion as of 2015), have 2 percent of the
world's GDP, 1.3 per cent of the world trade and only 1.5
per cent of the investments.
Name And Logo changes

• 28 June 2011 during 38 council of foreign Ministers

meeting in “Astana, Kazakhstan”. The Organization
changed the Name from “organization of Islamic
conference” to “ organization of Islamic cooperation”.

• They also changed the logo of OIC.

Organizational structure of the OIC
1.Islamic summit:

• The Islamic Summit is composed of Kings and Heads of

State and Government of Member States and is the
supreme authority of the Organization.

• Conference is held to consider issues of critical

importance to the Muslim world and formulate policies on
them which are implemented by the organization.

• The Islamic Summit shall convene every three years in

one of the member state.
2. Council of Foreign Ministers:
• The Council of Foreign Ministers shall be convened once
a year in one of the Member States.

• They review progress of the implementation of the

decisions and resolutions adopted at the previous
Summits and Councils of Foreign Ministers like budget
and other financial reports.

• They recommend to establish any new organ or

3.Standing Committees:
• To advance issues of critical importance to the
Organization and its Member States, the Organization
has formed the following Standing Committees.

1. Al Quds Committee.
2. Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs
3. Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial
Cooperation (COMCEC).
4. Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological
General Secretariat

• The General Secretariat comprises a Secretary General

who is the Chief Administrative Officer of the

• The Secretary-General shall be elected by the Council of

Foreign Ministers for a period of five years.

• The secratory general will be elected from among

nationals of the member states.
Specialized Institutions
• Islamic development bank
• Islamic educational,scientific and cultural organization
• Islamic states broadcasting organization
• International Islamic news agency
• Islamic commitee of the International crescent
• The science, technology and innovation organization.
Aims of OIC
• There are following aims of O.I.C.

1. To safeguard people of the member states and Muslims.

2. Strengthen Islamic solidarity.

3. Consolidate Cooperation among members states in

social, cultural and scientific fields.

4. Safeguard the Holy places.

5.Support the struggle of the palestinian people.

6. Eliminate racial discrimination and all forms of colonialism

• In 1970 when a conflict broke out between Jordan and
palestine liberation organization, the egyptian president
Gamal abdel naseer and saudi arabia’sking faisal jointly
led the organization of islamic cooperation and Arab
league initiative to resolve the clash.
• In 1974 the conflict between the newly formed
Bangladesh and Pakistan was successfully solved by the
• The orgnization of Islamic cooperation leadership also
gained confidence on the issue of ramadan war in 1973
against Israel.
• OIC leadership also successfully solved the issue of oil
restriction against the supporters of Israel in 1974.

• The organization also adopted various resolutions

declaring the jihad in numerous fields against the Israeli
occuptaion of Palestine land and to force Israel to follow
the united nation resolutions on the matter.
• The OIC fails to establish a peaceful Muslim world.
• The USA started a war against Iraq and the Organization
of Islamic cooperation was just a spectator.
• OIC played a minimum role by giving support of ethical
and materialism to Afghanistan during the Soviet
• Rebels in Libya were supported by the french air force
and the OIC did not move forward to even take a notice.
• Except these crises OIC has more failure like Balkan
crisis, Egypt crisis and Libya crisisas well as syria crisis
OIC is playing minor role to mitigate of these crises.
Pakistan Role In OIC
• Pakistan’s solidarity with Palestine.
• Military Co-operation.
• Army collaboration.
• Naval Collaboration.
• Highlighting Kashmir Issue
• Representaion of China in OIC through Pakistan.
• Supportin Bosnians in war against Croatians and Serbs.
Thank You
The End

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