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Effects of urbanization

Presented by:
Taimoor sikandar
BBA C1 Aleena rehan
Uzair arshad
• Topic sentence  Pollution is the major negative effect of urbanization. As more
people move to urban areas, industrialization increases to provide
better facilities for an ever increasing population. Industrialization
uses  trees and space which is also a threat to habitats of many
animals.  That Further leads to deforestation. Air pollution,noise
• Major supporting details pollution and land Pollution are the major types of  pollution
caused by urbanization. The more the people live in a certain
environment, the more will be the waste disposal. When people
start cutting trees and increase the use of cars and factories, it
• Minor supporting details adds to an already existing problem of air pollution
• Topic sentence  Increase in urbanization leads to chaos and disorder in the society.
Overpopulation results in rush and traffic jams very frequently.
When there are excessive vehicles on the road, it usually leads to
• Major supporting details bottlenecks and increased chances of accidents disrupting the
peace and order. As there is lack of space and housing facilities,
the people from rural areas start living in small areas in tents
which gives a very chaotic and unneat view. There seems to be no
• Minor supporting details check and balance in the environment giving an overall bad
 Urbanization is a major cause of  number of diseases. Due to lack
• Topic sentence of education and medical facilities in rural areas, people are
unaware of the cause and prevention of diseases.  They give least
importance to the safety measures which results in an overall
unhealthy environment also causing risks of many chronic
diseases in the people belonging to urban areas. Polluted
• Major supporting details environment and unhealthy diet of people moving from rural to
urban areas has caused rapid increase in the diseases such as
dengue, diarrhea, cholera and typhoid. Their constant negligence
towards the preventive measures and basic awareness due to low
• Minor supporting details educational background results in an overall toxic and sick
in conclusion, increasing urbanization resulted in many problems
and had many negative effects on the environment and as well as
the people belonging to both urban and rural areas. it has
significantly increased the problem of pollution and the spread of
diseases resulting in an overall chaotic situation. it is mandatory
that we balance the rate of urbanization and keep the population in
check to promote a peaceful, safe and healthy environment
providing equal opportunities to all.

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