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Comparing and

Comparison Words
Here are some signal words or linking expressions used for comparing
things or subjects.
1. Both Chinua Achebe and Eku McGred were both renowned writers in Africa.
2. Be careful not to harm yourself while roofing your own house. Moreover, take
measures to keep tools from falling down and accidentally injuring passersby.
3. COVID-19 is a virus that targets lymphocytes like how HIV does to our body.
4. Some people are still being stubborn with the safety protocols during this
pandemic. Consequently, positive cases of COVID-19 would still rise.
5. President Duterte shows his care to Manila and the rest of the country just as
how he cares for Davao City.
Contrast Words
Here are some signal words or linking expressions used for contrasting
things or subjects.
1. People who play basketball are generally quite tall. In contrast,
gymnasts are typically short.
2. Both vegans and vegetarians avoid the consumption of meat.
However, the former also avoids all animal products in all instances.
3. Feminism is on the rise now but so is resistance to it.
4. I do like bananas but I dislike apples.
5. I prefer sweet food instead of sour and salty one.
Multimodal Words
It is an instructional resource that incorporates
various modes of communication such as print or
texts, audio, illustration, graphics, storybooks, use
of color and design. It is a combination of two or
more semiotic systems.
Multimodal Words
These are the five semiotic systems or modes:
1. Linguistic: It comprises aspects such as vocabulary, generic
structure and the grammar of oral and written language.
2. Visual: It comprises aspects such as color, vectors and viewpoint in
still and moving images.
Multimodal Words
3. Audio: It comprises aspects such as volume, pitch and rhythm of
music and sound effects.
4. Gestural: It comprises aspects such as movement, speed and
stillness in facial expression and body language.
5. Spatial: It comprises aspects such as proximity, direction, position
of layout and organization of objects in space.
Multimodal Words
Examples of multimodal texts are:
1. Picture book/Storybooks: It is the textual and visual elements that
are arranged on individual pages that contribute to an overall set of
bound pages.
2. Webpage: It is where the elements such as sound effects, oral
language, written language, music and still or moving images are
3. Live/Stage Performance: It is where the gesture, music, and space
are the main elements.
Multimodal Words
4. Comics: It is a medium used to express narratives or other ideas
through images, usually combined with text. It typically takes the
form of a sequence of panels of images. Textual devices such as
speech balloons, captions, and onomatopoeia can indicate dialogue,
narration, sound effects, or other information.
5. Memes: These are humorous images, videos, pieces of texts, etc.,
that are copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by
Internet users.
Multimodal Words
6. Advertising posters/posters: These are common print
technique used by small businesses. A poster includes a visual design
as well as images, colors and copy. It provides a message intended to
promote brand awareness or call attention to a company event.
7. Editorial Cartoon: These are graphic expressions of the creator’s
ideas and opinions. In addition, the editorial cartoon usually, but not
always, reflects the publication’s viewpoint. It uses a visual and
verbal vocabulary that is familiar to readers.
Let’s try to compare and contrast
multimodal texts!
Directions: Compare and contrast multimodal texts with one theme or subject.
Complete the table showing their differences and similarities using the linking
expressions and signal words provided below.
Directions: Read both paragraphs about how Jose and Maria
celebrated their birthdays. Compare and contrast the two by
using the graphic organizer.

Jose Maria
On my birthday, I On my birthday, I
went on a horseback trail had a party! Six friends
ride with friends. We rode came over, and we played
for an hour, then stopped games. Then we had a
for a picnic lunch. We had cake and ice cream and I
a cake, and I opened a opened presents. I had one
few small presents they huge present from my
had brought with them. parents. It was a bicycle!
Directions: Categorize the sentence if it is comparing or
contrasting. Write the signal words used on each sentence.
1. Both African and Asian literatures are reflection of suffering
and discrimination against tyrants and colonizers.
2. Slavery is reflected in African literature while war of
dynasties is reflected in Asian Literature.
3. Similarly, African and Asian literatures show the philosophy
of life which are deeply and predominantly thoughtful and
4. African literature shows prejudices of colonizers to the black
people. In contrary, Asian literature shows prejudices
manifested by some emperors and kings.
5. African and Asian Literature were both handed down by
mouth from generation to generation.
6. African literature is focused on the struggles of their
ancestors whereas Asian literature is focused on religion and

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