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ROLL NO. –RU2203A88
• Mamta kalia is an Indian author teacher and poet,writing
primarily in the Hindi language. She won the was
samman, one of India richest literary awards.
• She was born on 2 Nov 1940 (Age 22 years) kalia was born
in Vindavan, uttar pradesh, and studied in delhi. Her
husband , Ravindara kalia was also a popular hindi author.
Her writing engages with the lived experiences of women
often in middle- class families in India. She had also won
several other litertary awards , including the yashpal
katha samman ,sahitya bhushan samman , Ram
Manohar , Lohiya . Samman Mahadevi varma samman
and the sita award.
• Who cares for you, Papa?
• Who cares for your clean thoughts, clean words, clean teeth?
• Who wants to be an angel like you? Who wants it?
• You are an unsuccessful man, Papa.
• Couldn't wangle a cosy place in the world.
• You have always lived a life of limited dreams.
• I wish you had guts Papa
• To smuggle eighty thousand watches at a stroke,
• And I'd proudly say, "My father's in import-export business, you know.
• "I'd be proud of vou then.
• But you've always wanted to be a model man, A sort of an ideal.
• When you can't think of doing anything, You start praying, SPending useless hours at the temple.
• You want me to be like vou, Papa, Or like Rani Lakshmibai.
• You're not sure what greatness us, but you want me to be great.
• I give two donkey-claps for greatness. And three for Rani Lakshmibai.
• These days I am seriously thinking of disowning you, Papa, You and your sacredness.
• What if I start calling you Mr. Kapur, Lower Division Clerk, Accounts Section?
• Everything about you clashes with nearly everything about me You suspected I am having a love affair these days But you're too
shy to have it confirmed What if my tummy starts showing gradually And I refuse to have it curetted But I'll be careful, Papa, Or I
know vou'll at once think of suicide.
• Tribute to Papa' by Mamta kalia is a challenging poem in which Mamta try to
compel the readers to understand the hardships of being a women in all matter
of life
• Mamta tries to question her father why should his traditional valus determine
the fate of his daughter. She questions whether if he cared enough for his
daughter own voice and opinion. Tribute to Papa pays a different kind of Tribute
to a father. It is rather the poet trying to sort out the different values that she and
her father had.
• In the poem, Mamta mentions how she longed for love and care but she hardly
received any from her father. She also talks about disowning her father which
shows how hurt she was. Although her father has died, She also talks about
disowning her father which shows how hurt she was. Although her father has
died, she could not stop blaming him for not loving and supporting her as much
as she needed . In the end, the poet mentions how she only longed for a good
relationship with her father..

• At the end of the poem, students will be able to :

• Differentiate the modern daughter and Victorian father and
male dominance over women
• Evaluate the ideals, values and morals of the present
• Integrate and epitomize and awakened and audacious
21st centuary women who possesses the guts to question
judge and reject the patriarchal norms.

• Mamta kalia's poem is almost exclusively subjective in

its response to experience of woman as a beloved and
to be the image of woman who serves her family
patiently and devotedly.
• Her poems seem to consider the woman's
• view of the world and her position within it". It is though
the eves of frustrated woman that she scans her
relationship with the world outside.

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