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Nonstate Institutions

Learning Competency:
Differentiate functions of non-state institutions in
Activity 1: FILL IT UP
Fill in the missing letters to complete the word.
1. B__ N__ - it is a place where people deposit or save their
money with corresponding interest on a given period of time.
2. C__R__O__A__I__N – is a company or group of people
authorized to act as a single entity and recognized in the law.
3. C__O__E__A__I__E – or coop refers to an autonomous
association whose membership is voluntary toward the attainment
of common economic, social and cultural needs or aspirations.
Nonstate Institutions and Organizations

Bank is a place where people deposit or save their

money with corresponding interest on a given period of
time. It lends money both to the public and private
organizations. The government borrows money from
the bank to finance its projects while private
organizations and individuals borrow money to finance
their business and other personal needs. Example
includes Banco de Oro, Bank of the Philippine Islands,
Metrobank, rural banks, etc
Corporation is a company or group of
people authorized to act as a single entity
and recognized as such in law. Usually,
corporations operate as stock
corporations where ownership is through
stockholders who own particular shares
in the company. Examples are San
Miguel Corporation and Jollibee Foods
Cooperative or coop refers to an
autonomous association whose membership
is voluntary toward the attainment of
common economic, social and cultural needs
or aspirations. A cooperative is owned by its
members. Examples are credit cooperative,
consumer cooperative, electric cooperative,
housing cooperative, worker’s cooperative,
agricultural cooperative, general cooperative.
A trade union or labor union is an
organization of workers whose main objective
is to protect the welfare of its members. Its
purpose is to collectively negotiate employers
for better compensation benefits, safety
standards in the workplace, just to name a
few. In the Philippines, these national
federations are Trade Union Congress of the
Philippines (TUCP) and the Kilusang Mayo
Uno (KMU).
Transnational Advocacy Groups are
involved in social advocacy to promote
principled causes, ideas and values. Their goal
is to give the powerless a voice in the
domestic and international lawmaking body.
Common social advocacies include human
rights, consumer rights, women’s rights,
environmental issues, and international peace.
In the Philippines, Human Rights Watch is very
active in human rights and peace issues.
Development Agencies are committed/dedicated to
distributing aid. These agencies are present in
developing countries challenged by security conflict,
food shortage, climate change, financial instability
and others. Some of the prominent development
agencies in the Philippines are the following:
 United States Agency for International Development
 Australian Agency for International Development
 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Aid can be subdivided into two
categories: humanitarian aid
(emergency relief efforts in response
to disasters and development aid
(foreign aid) aimed at helping
countries to achieve sustainable
economic growth.
Global Organizations operate in the development of entire
countries. They are the funders and donors. They operate by
giving loans or grants to other countries to be used for
development. In the onslaught of covid-19, the Philippines was
granted a loan by the World Bank to be used for financial
assistance to many of the Filipinos who are affected by the
pandemic. Below are the most well-known organizations in the
 World Bank (WB)
 International Monetary Bank (IMB)
 Asian Development Bank (ADB)
International Organizations are organizations with
international membership, scope or presence. The two
(2) main types are the following:
 International Non-governmental Organizations
(INGO) – non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
that operate internationally, example, International
Committee of the Red Cross.
 International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) –
these are organizations that are made up primarily of
member states, example, the United Nations (UN).

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