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Media Law : The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Ordinance , 1995

Presented to: Dr. Vidhya Sekhri

Presented by: Kanika (BM010070) Mansi (BM010079) Nirmal (BM010093)

Introduction: MEDIA LAWS

There are mainly two laws under this Law : >> The Cable Televison Networks (Regulation) Ordinance Act , 1995 >> The Cinematograph Act , 1952 THE CABLE TELEVISION NETWORKS (REGULATION) ACT, 1995 It is an act to regulate the operation of cable television networks in the country and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto; be it enacted by Parliament in the 46th Year of the Republic of india. india. It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 29th day of September, 1994

In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires "Cable operator "Cable service "Cable television network "Company "Person" "Person

cable television networks regulation amendment act 2002 the Central Government may make it obligatory for every cable operator to transmit or retransmit programme of any pay channel through an addressable system as and when the Central Government so notifies cable television networks regulation amendment act 2009 the advertisement must not make any direct or indirect reference to the prohibited products;eg: tobacco, alcohol,cigaratte .


Cable television network not to be oper ated except after registration[sec4] Registeration as cable operator[sec2(e)] Compulsory transmission of two Doordarshan Channels Cable television network not to interfere with any telecommunication system

Programme Code -sec 5

(1) No programme should be carried in the cable service which Contain criticism of friendly countries Contains attack on religions or communities Is likely to encourage or incite violence Contains anything affecting the integrity of the Nation Encourages superstition or blind belief. Denigrates children

(2) The cable operator should strive to carry porgrammes in his cables service which project women in a positive, leadership role of sobriety, moral and character building qualities. (3) Programmes meant for adults should normally be carried in the cable service after 11 p.m. and before 6.a.m. (4) Care should be taken to ensure that programmes meant for children do not contain any bad language or explicit scenes of violence. (5) Programmes unsuitable for children must be carried in the cable service at times when the largest numbers of children are viewing.


No person shall transmit or re-transmit through a cable service and advertisement unless such advertisement is in conformity with the prescribed advertisement code prescribed under rule 7 of the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994. . Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the programme of foreign satellite channels which can be received without the use of any specialized gadgets or decoder


Power to seize equipment used for operating the cable television network [sec3] seizure or confiscation of equipment not to interfere with other punishment [sec11] Appeal


Punishment for contravention of the provision of this Ordinance[sec 22] Offences by companies MISCELLANEOUS
Power to prohibit operation of cable television network in public interest Power to prohibit transmission of certain programmes in public interest


Renewable after 12 month Examine under rule 3



Apply sec 4

If yes than form3


If no than form 4

Sun T.V. Network Limited vs State Of Tamil Nadu, Rep. By on 19 August, 2008 News Television India Ltd. vs World Vision on 2 April, 2002 Playboy entertainment group vs US Cricket association of bengal vs ministry of information and broadcasting 1995 AIR1236, 1995 Sec(2)161 Bench-Ro Savant ,P.B. Mohan ,S Jeevan Reddy

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