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Elementary English
The Preparation
a. Divide the students into pairs
b. The lecturer will decide on the pair performing in verbal
evaluation parts 1 and 2.
c. A monologue is for a student who doesn’t get a pair (odd
number class in total), pair students will do a dialogue
d. Decide the title of the dialogue
e. The students have to memorize the dialogue or monologue for
verbal evaluation
f. The script of the dialogue or monologue is submitted on the
day of a verbal evaluation
Before Performing the verbal
Start with

- Greeting

- Introduction (explain your topic)

- Perform the verbal evaluation


- Closing
- Hello, good morning/afternoon. First of all, I would like to thank
……. (name of the lecturer) for inviting me here today
- Let me start by introducing myself. My
name is…… and my friends is……
- I want to perform the dialogue of topic
……. (mention the number of the topic)

- Thank you for listening to our dialogue
Topic 1 : PERSONALITY (Personal Information, Simple Present
Tense and Personality Adjective)
Describe about you and your parents!
Use the following questions for the guideline

1. What’s your name?

2. Where are you from?
3. When were you born?
4. What is your zodiac and what are your
5. What do you like to do in your free
6. Do you live together with your parents?
What are their names?
7. What are their zodiacs and what are
their personalities?
8. What do they do?
Topic 2: Heroes
Create a dialogue that consists:
1. An expression of admiration
Present : (I admire…..because + adjective+ object (2 expressions)
Past : was / were + adjective (1 expressions)
2. Adjective of positive characters (4 adjectives)
John: “Where did you learn to play guitar? You’re so good at it.”
Jack: “I watched a lot of YouTube tutorial videos, man.”
John: “Seriously? I can never learn on my own.”
Jack: “It is Bryan Adam’s Youtube, I admire him because he is a
good player.
John: I know nothing about guitar, but I have my attention to
admire Sarah Jessica parker because she is a beautiful actress.
John: Yeah I know her, she was a popular actress back then.
Jack: “Anyway, I can teach you a chord or two if you want to try
some. Come on over this weekend, man.”
Jack: “That’s so kind of you. Afternoon sounds good?”
John: “How about Sunday before noon?”
Jack: “Ok, see you tomorrow ”
Topic 3: Talents
The dialogue should cover the following :
- Your past abilities (Could/Couldn’t)
- Your current abilities (Can/Can’t)
- The activities you are currently doing (Present Continuous)
- The activities you have (not) done (Present Perfect
Topic 4: Feelings
The dialogue should consist of past and present participles (Adjective) and please
add some reaction to the news, thanking and apologizing
Topic 5: Fit and Healthy
• Make a simple dialog in pairs.
• Take turns to ask about health and give suggestions.
• student A is telling about his/her health. He/she may use the vocabulary related to fit and
healthy and the expressions of telling necessary/unnecessary.
• The student B is providing suggestions for student A’s problem. He/she may use the
expressions of telling necessary/unnecessary by using have to or don’t have to and making
• Students A and B can interchangeably use the vocabulary fit and healthy, expressions of
telling necessary/unnecessary, and expressions of making suggestions.
Good luck
for verbal

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