Plagiarism Report

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 The Hope Drop campaign project below was conducted to
determine how to market the product using various online
 In our case, the project involves the marketing of Hope Water
Campaign, a marketing campaign for a water bottling company.
 Therefore, we take several steps to ensure that our brand
resonates with our target group.
 These steps helped reach an audience critical to the progress of
the producer.
 As a first step, after brainstorming with my colleague in the WhatsApp
group, I named the campaign Hope Drops.
 We started designing the logo by connecting the logo to the actual
company logo.
 The second step was to create a social media platform to promote the
company's product and attract the attention of its target users.
 This step was essential in providing a basic starting point for this
marketing strategy as Team Lead and Media Relations Executive.
 A successful marketing strategy was essential to selling the product to
the HCT community.
Steps Undertaken from research to
reach target Audience

Distribution of market-
ing content and sample
Content creation and
distribution The final step was distribution of
brochures and water bottles
Social Media Platforms As our third step, we strategi- around the campus. We also
Our second step was cre- cally created and distributed tagged them with QR codes to
ating social media plat- content about our product to create traffic on our Instagram
Name of Campaign
forms to create general the online market. page.
We took our time to con- awareness about our
sult and brainstorm on product.
how to name our cam-
SWOT Analysis


 strong team and a com-  I did many tasks alone  We have an potential market base
 Poor reception of a new
mitted leader with extra effort with in the Campus where we can mar-
trend into the HCT
 gained experience in ket
constant follow-ups 
business management, The online platform is unlimited
on the group mem-  Confusion due to proto-
leadership skills as well in terms of reach of Audience .
bers. type design and actual
as graphic design and dig-  An unlimited source of informa-
 Language barrier design
ital marketing tion online to build the Brand
Campaign Objectives
 We employed boost tools which ensured maximum reach on our social media
Increase overall reach through
boost post platforms.
 We developed five platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Website, Email and
 These channels were essential in general awareness of the product

Product design  This involved designing the water bottle I to a proper packaging container to
attract more clients
 We also aimed towards crating relevant content that would draw more cus-
tomers to our products

General product  Creating general awareness for our brand and our product was a key objective
awareness to draw more customers in our marketing

 By marketing our product, our main aim was to create a stron brand that was
Brand awareness and develop-
ment reliable, credible and effective in its purpose of distributing bottled water
Target Audience
 Our major target audience was the students at the HCT
 This therefore meant by introducing a new trend of bottled
water, we would create a high demand and therefore offer
the solution of reliable supply to this trend
 The HCT community involves both the teaching and non
teaching staff
Key Message
The key message of Hope Drop Campaign is in creating a
robust brand that will be trend setter in the market. As
budding brand, it requires commitment through strategic
digital marketing method to gain its full potential
Tactics used to complete the project
Social media boosting  We employed boost tools which ensured maximum reach on our social me-
tools dia platforms.
 We developed five platforms; Facebook, Instagram, Website, Email and
 These channels were essential in general awareness of the product

Graphic Design Tools  I employed graphic design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, and Canva.
 I also employed Wix to create my website and QR code generator on-

Outlook Email, WhatsApp and  We employed Outlook email and telegram channel as our tools for official
Telegram one-on-one interaction with our customers.
 This channel was essential in winning over customers by convincing them

Voiceover tools  An audio message goes along way to convince clients. We therefore used
Aegisub to create a clear voiceover.
 This was essential in reading the enthusiastic tone in the voice over and
therefore wining more consumers
 The timeline of this project is based on the success of the project and the re-
sources employed
 This means 6that despite the challenges that we faced at the HOPE DROP
CAMPAIGN, Evaluation was essential in the final stage of the marketing cam-
paign to measure whether we met the objectives
Achievement Evaluations

• At the beginning of the project, I aimed to de-

sign customized water bottles for the cam-

• However, I realized on the emphasis to market

the real design of the product to avoid confusion
in the market
 I gained experience in business management, leadership
skills as well as graphic design and digital marketing
 I learned the importance of team work and specialization

 I faced difficulty in designing a website for the first time.
 I, therefore, had to learn, which was time-consuming.

 After performing extensive research on the project, the results were excellent.
 Despite having various challenges, we delivered excellent results.
 On the other hand, I did many tasks alone with extra effort while making con-
stant follow-ups on the group members.
 This involved guiding them as team leaders and ensuring they performed their
allocated tasks exemplary.

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