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Introduction to eOffice

1. eOffice initiated in year 2009, was developed by NIC with the aim of improving the government
functioning through more efficient, effective and transparent inter-government and intra-government
transactions and processes.

2. The vision of eOffice is to achieve a Simplified,

Responsive, Effective and Transparent paperless
working in Government office by providing convenient
way for officials to access information related to every
aspect of their working and knowledge sharing by
presenting a single gateway to information and services.

3. The Open Architecture on which eOffice has been built,

makes it a standard reusable product amenable to
replication across the governments, at the central, state
& district levels and is also being accepted at
international level.

4. eOffice is helping government departments to brings

avenues to improve the public delivery and eliminate
delays in government offices. The speed and
efficiency of eOffice not only assists departments in
informed and quicker decision but also makes them go
Role of “eOffice” in Digital Governance

 Transparency and Accountability

 Quick Decision Making
 Assured Data Security and Integrity
 Monitoring mechanism to track file pendency and disposals
 Ensure authenticity of records with use of digital signatures
 Inter/Intra Departmental File movement between Secretariat and Districts
Role of “eOffice” in Digital Governance
Components of eOffice
File Management System (eFile)
eFile is a workflow based system that replaces the existing manual handling of files with a more efficient
electronic system.

This system involves all stages, including the electronic diarization of inward correspondence, creation of files,
movement of correspondences and files, electronic signing of noting & drafts using Digital Signature Certificates
(DSC), eSign, and finally, the archival of records.
eFile Process
Knowledge Management System (KMS)
KMS brought about the concept of central repository of documents from where all ministry/department users can
publish as well as access the information.

KMS controls the life cycle of documents of an organization, enabling users to create and manage electronic
documents that can be viewed, searched, shared and published. It is also capable of keeping track of the
different versions of modified documents by different users (Tracking history). It also contains a dynamic
workflow to keep document in various stages.
Leave Management System (eLeave)
eLeave is a centralized system for the maintenance of leave record. It is a simple intuitive workflow based
system to apply for leave online, track the status of applied leave, details of leaves taken, balance leaves, etc.

Approval of leave is enabled through the automated hierarchical channel of submission and leave is routed to
the hierarchy that is pre-defined in the work flow. The leave rules are configured as per the existing Government
rules and leave processing is role based. The system helps to eliminate the paper based applications and faster
and time bound processing.
Tour Management System (eTour)
eTour is a system that facilitates the management of employee tour programs, from the time of applying for the
tour to the final settlement of bills. This system ensures that all tour requests are properly accounted for.
Employees can apply for, cancel, approve/reject and view tour records without any hassle and delay of going
through the paper work. 

For employees, the system allows to easily view their tour details at any point any time and request tours online.
For managers, tour approval no longer involves trails of paperwork. The system provides complete trails of the
employee's tour and plans.
Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording
Online Window (SPARROW)
SPARROW is a web-based application designed specifically for the officials of the Government of India to help
them write and subsequently track their PARs electronically.

The aim of this application is to facilitate timely filling of PARs electronically in a way that is not only user friendly
but also allows to fill from anywhere anytime as per their convenience. Similar convenience will be available to
the officers at different levels in the workflow hierarchy of filling and submission process. The system is also
expected to reduce delays in submission of completely filled APARs.
Personnel Information Management System (PIMS)
Personnel Information Management System (PIMS) is a workflow-based system for maintaining the details of
every aspect of an employee record including Employee Identity, Educational Qualifications, Skill Set, Contact
Details, Posting & Location, CGHS, CGEGIS, Nomination, LTC, Salary Details, HBA, Record Verification
Details, etc.

PIMS allows users to enter and update the employee personal data and employment records according to the
access and role privileges. PIMS is also available on a self-service access where users can view, check and
update their own information, by notifying to the admin of the respective organization.
Successful & Sustainable eOffice Implementation Approach

• Prior to procurement, department to ensure that the product meets their requirement/need

• Make aware of the product & its benefit to all stake holders

• eOffice to be mandated by department

• Adequate infrastructure must be in place

• Formation of eOffice Governance Structure

• Establishment of in-house support and capacity building team

• Owning the project and data management by departmental identified users

• Government Process Re-engineering and Preparation of SOP for dealing with different cases

• Setting up of Inward/Outward CRU/R&I Unit

• Capacity Building of users on regular basis

• Regular review of implementation progress

Current Status of eOffice Implementation
No. of Units where eOffice is
S.No. Enterprises Category Total

Ministries and Departments 79

1. 220
Attached/Subordinate Offices/PSUs etc. 141

Secretariats 22

2. District Administrations 87 202

Other Departments/PSUs etc. 93

TOTAL 422 422

Note: The above counts are as on 14th NOVEMBER 2019

Open API Framework for eOffice
Employee and Organization Unit (OU) Data Sharing APIs
Data Sources eOffice-PIMS

S. No. API Description

External application can use this API to get employee data from
1 PIMS_Read Employee Data
PIMS_Read Organisation Unit External application can use this API to get organization unit data
Data   from eOffice.
This API implies for inserting & updating employee information
3 PIMS_Write Employee Data
from External application to eOffice.
4 PIMS_Write Reactivating Employee This API implies for reactivating a employee.
PIMS_Write Organisation Unit This API implies for inserting & updating organization unit data from
Data   External application to eOffice.
These API(s) are implemented by NIC, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Government of Kerala.
eFile Core APIs

Receipt Movements

Receipt Status
Receipt Approved
No. Decisions in eFile
Set Flag for Draft
External Receipt mail/dispatch)
Receipt External
Application Creation
S. No. API Description
This API enables receipt diarization with different metadata
1 eFile_Receipt Creation
fields and receipt number generation.
2 eFile_Receipt Action Status This API gives the status of action initiated on receipts.
This API gives the list of all dispatches (with reply type as final)
3 eFile_Final Dispatch Against a Receipt
made against receipts in a eFile Instance.
4 eFile_Receipt Details This API gives details of the receipt.

5 eFile_Receipt Movement History The web service gives details of receipt for all the  movements.

These API(s) are implemented by Government of Sri Lanka and Government of Kerala.
External Dashboards and Reporting APIs

1. Organization Unit/Employee Pendency

2. OU/Employee Performance
3. CM Dashboard
many more……

S. No. API Description

This API gives the count of created files (both Physical and
1 eFile_Files Created Instance wise (P/E)
Electronic) for all eFile instances.
This API gives the count of created files (both Physical and
2 eFile_Files Created Department wise (P/E)
Electronic) for all departments within a eFile instance.
This API gives the count of created receipts (both Physical
3 eFile_Receipts Created Instance wise (P/E)
and Electronic) for all eFile instances.
This API gives the count of created receipts (both Physical
4 eFile_Receipts Created Department wise (P/E)
and Electronic) for all departments within a eFile instance.
5 eFile_Receipt File Unread Count This API gives the total unread file/receipt count.
6 eFile_Files Pendency Deptwise This API gives the list of files pending department wise.
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121 eFile_File Movement details This API gives the details of file for a particular movement.

These API(s) are implemented in NIC, Railway Board and Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Way Forward

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