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BS A - 1 C

Charlie R. Cruz
First we need to know what CAPITALISM means.

Capitalism first created the possibility for large-scale production in
agriculture, which is technically more
rational than small-scale production." In discussing agricultural
machinery, Kautsky (who, it should be
said in passing, points precisely to the specific features of agriculture in
this respect.
Capitalism is often thought of as an
economic system in which private actors
own and control property WHAT TYPE OF
in accord with their interests, and demand ECONOMY IS
and supply freely set prices in markets in a CAPITALIST?
way that can
serve the best interests of society. The
essential feature of capitalist.
Ever since enclosures and colonialism began
turning farming into capitalist agriculture
around the world,
IS agricultural capital has become increasingly
AGRICULTURE centralised. Investment in labour-saving
A CAPITALIST? machinery reduced
the demand for agricultural labour, driving an
exodus from the countryside to the towns.
Since agriculture is the main economic
activity in the countryside, investing in
this sector can reduce poverty and boost
What is the role of local development. Economic experts
agriculture in have found that agriculture is a more
economic? profitable venture now.
How did capitalism affect farmers?

The capitalist process has spurred farmers to produce for the sole
purpose of profit accumulation, instead of production for use (Foster,
2002). In other words, food has been commoditized to a money
metric like any other commodity that is traded and sold for profit.
How did the agricultural Revolution contribute to the rise of

The changes in agriculture for example crop rotation and

the use of machines led to increase in production. The
Increase in production led to acquisition of wealth which
was used to finance the industrial revolution hence rise of

*capital accumulation
* competitive markets price system
*private property
*property rights recognition
*voluntary exchange
*wage labor
What are the 5 main characteristics of capitalism?

*two-class system
*private ownership
*profit motive
*minimal government intervention
Capitalism is focused on the
WHAT IS THE creation of wealth and
DIFFERENCE ownership of capital and factors
of production,
whereas a free market system is
focused on the exchange of
wealth or goods and services.
At the opposite end of the spectrum from
capitalism, communism is an economic
theory favoring a classless society and the
abolition of private property. Communism
derives from the French common (common).
What are non capitalist economies?

not based on the system of capitalism ( an economic and political

system in which property, business, and industry are controlled by
private owners rather than by the state, with the purpose of making a
profit): a non-capitalist economy. In a socialist economy, the state owns
and controls the major means of production. In some socialist
economic models, worker cooperatives own and operate the primary
means of production.
Are there non capitalist societies?

Communist countries, such as China, North Korea,

and Cuba, tend toward socialism, while Western
European countries favor capitalist economies and
try to chart a middle course. But even at their
extremes, both systems have their pros and cons.
What do anti capitalists want?

Anti-capitalism is a political ideology and movement

encompassing a variety of attitudes and ideas that oppose
capitalism. In this sense, anti-capitalists are those who
wish to replace capitalism with another type of economic
system, such as socialism or communism.
How can I live a non-capitalist life?

*Make Your Own Clothes

*Stop Using Soap
*Don't Use Banks
*Stop Going To The Gym
*Quit Social Media
*Use The Library
*Share Your Food
*Stop Driving

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