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DAV Diplomacy

Simulation 2021
Season 1
Introduction Presentation
Time: 3 mins
Opening Speech
Time: 1 min
Formal Negotiations
Informal Negotiations
Draft Resolution
- Clearly Determine Your Position And Agree On Your Strategy
● Clarify or restate your position if it is misrepresented by one of the other stakeholder groups.
● If you think your group should change its position during informal discussions, discuss it with the other group
members as soon as possible.

- Realistically Evaluate Possible Actions Before You Propose Them

● Are the proposals possible?
● Will they achieve the results you want?
● Watch for unintended consequences.

- Analyze Other Stakeholders’ Positions

● Why do they hold that position?
● Why do they oppose or support your proposals?
● Can you apply pressure to make stakeholders re-evaluate their positions?
● Can you offer any incentives to encourage stakeholders to re-evaluate their positions?
- Build Alliances
● Identify which stakeholders share your position and which do not.
● Do not spend all your time trying to persuade others. Listen carefully to other delegates and absorb what they are
● Try to identify common interests and concerns you share with other stakeholders.
● Even if your end goal is different, what can you agree on with others?

- Incentives and Disincentives (“Carrots and Sticks”)

● Consider what incentives you can safely offer to other groups.
● Explain to other stakeholders the negative consequences (either direct or indirect) that may follow if they oppose
your position.

- Select A Leader
● A leader will devise a coherent strategy before the simulation, keep track of the developments during the meeting and
form the draft resolution.
Opening Speech Sample:

Honorable Chair, distinguished delegates and fellow guests.

The delegate of WHO expresses deep concern about the serious damage caused by the
Ebola Crisis and acknowledges our delayed response due to the lack of transparent data
reports. However:
Firstly, WHO would like to reaffirm our commitment to cope with the current situation
and to prevent the spreading of the Ebola outbreak but respect cultural traditions in the
Secondly, WHO wants to provide resources and support for Farfelu and Anyep to
become self-sufficient. In return, WHO requests reliable information & data and expects
the local authorities to prevent further attacks from indigenous people on our medical
staff and volunteers.
To address this issue, WHO believes that all stakeholders here bear the same
responsibility to initiate proper actions in this difficult situation. WHO calls on the
collaboration of all committees and also willingly provides support for other stakeholders
in order to tackle this crisis.

Thank you. This delegate would like to yield the floor back to the Chair.
Remember: The goal of the
simulation is not to “win” but to
come to a decision together.
Mock Simulation: 40%
School Budget Crisis
The school board has decided that the budget for extra-curricular activities
must be reduced by 40 percent.

Questions to consider
● Should some activities be cut entirely or should each activity share in the budget cuts?
● Are there possibilities to make up the budget cuts with fundraising or a bond issue
● Can some activities share resources to reduce costs?

Music, Technology, Athletic, Debate, Fashion, Volunteering
Thank you!
Fanpage: DAV Diplomacy Simulations
Contact: Hop Chau (0338476071)
Hoai Linh (0843275051)

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