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7 C’S OF

Presentation by Nandinee
and Muskan

⮚ The ability to communicate effectively with others is considered a good quality of

successful people. So in order to compose an effective oral speech or written message,
there is a need to understand psychology of the clients, the organization, and the
community .
⮚ Communication skills are important as it plays an effective role in professional life
from understanding our client to making a perfect problem solving approach.
Different studies showed that it is an important skill that helps to generate more
⮚ These principles help in making the speech more memorable and easy to understand
and remember.

⮚ There should be emphasis on a single object only

⮚ Clarity is ensuring what you’re saying is communicated clearly and with no room for
⮚ Simple language should be used to communicate the message and focus should be on
core points of the message and short paragraphs should be written
⮚ Don’t use idioms to prevent any confusion and ambiguity
⮚ Be clear in your mind about what you want to say and its purpose before you say it
⮚ Set a goal or outcome on what needs to be communicated,
⮚ Don’t leave space for fills in the gaps in the message

⮚ It means leaving no room for interpretation.

⮚ Concrete communication denotes your message being specific, meaningful and
⮚ Don’t beat around the bush to get to a point.
⮚ Rather it is solid and concise.
⮚ Active voice should be used instead of passive voice.
⮚ Avoid vague and ambiguous messages and only strive toward making your
information well received by the recipient.
⮚ The speech should be crisp yet brimming with beneficial information.
⮚ Incorporate factual evidence and figures to enhance the authenticity of
your speech.

⮚ Be a good listener, consider the other person’s emotions, ideas and get to know the
⮚ It will help in making the communication more effective and in a professional
⮚ Focus on “you” instead of” we”
⮚ One should also be transparent, open, and honest, and be happy to answer any
questions if required.
⮚ In order to communicate, the sender must relate to the target recipient and be
⮚ Consideration is to put you in the place of the receiver. It means preparing every
message with the message receiver in mind. This mode of consideration is called “you

⮚ “Everyone gains where courtesy reigns” is an old but wise saying.

⮚ Courtesy means politeness. It is an attitude that shows respect for others.
⮚ It helps in building goodwill.
⮚ It is not enough to use polite expressions like” thank you”, ”kindly”, “we appreciate”,
“please” etc but the whole letter must have a courteous tone.
⮚ Use expressions that show respect. –
⮚ Be thoughtful and appreciative of the receiver’s point of view. –
⮚ Avoid humor and discriminatory language i.e., race, color, gender, creed etc.

➢ Language experts say that writing is art but difficult. There is no shortcut to being a
good writer. It is learned through consistent practice and constant struggle.

➢ The message being communicated must be correct. Correctness refers to correct

grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

➢ Though mistakes are never intentional yet they spoil the image.
To achieve correctness, follow these guidelines: –

➢ Check the accuracy of facts and figures. –

➢ Check mistakes in punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. –

➢ Check misspelled words. –

➢ Use the right level of language.


➢ A message should be complete to bring the desired result. A complete message

contains all the facts required by the receiver.

➢ The receiver’s reaction to an incomplete message is often unfavorable. An

incomplete message shows negligence and carelessness of the writer.

➢ For completeness follow these guidelines: –

➢ Remember the five W’s (what, when, where, why, who) and how.

➢ Provide all the necessary information.

➢ Answer all the questions asked.

➢ Include additional information, if desired.

➢ It can be said that awareness of these 7 C’s of effective communication makes you a
good communicator.

➢ The beauty of diction lies in its conciseness.

➢ Conciseness means brief and complete.

➢ Be as brief as possible. But it must not be so brief as to be discourteous.

➢ Conciseness is a pre-requisite to effective messages.

➢ A concise message saves time and expense for both sender and receiver.

➢ To achieve conciseness, observe the following suggestions:

➢ Remove the wordy expressions. –

➢ Include only relevant material. –

➢ Avoid unnecessary repetition.


⮚ Helps in decision making
⮚ Helps in problem solving
⮚ Saves time
⮚ Increases productivity
⮚ Improves Job Satisfaction
⮚ Creates goodwill
⮚ Leaves a lasting impression
⮚ Leads to Growth of the Company

The seven C's of communication are a list of principles for written and spoken
communications to ensure that they are effective. "The 7 C's of Communication" can
assist professionals in communicating more effectively and increasing the possibility that
their messages will be understood exactly as intended. They are the guiding principles
that, when followed in real life, can improve our communication skills and improve the
technique of persuasion and manner of formal communication.

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