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• Organizational skills are the abilities that let you stay focused on

different tasks, and use your time, energy, strength, mental

capacity, physical space, etc. effectively and efficiently in order

to achieve the desired outcome.

Top Organizational Skills for
Resumes, Interviews and

• Companies often search for quality employees who possess

strong organizational skills which tend to be most effective when

rooted in your daily routine. You can build these skills using

practice and self-discipline. Once you develop organizational

skills, you can begin using them regularly to form a permanent

habit and achieve greater success at work.

What are organizational skills?
• Organizational skills are competencies you can use to establish

structure and order in your daily life. They can help you work

more efficiently and effectively and, as a result, increase your

productivity and performance.

Why are organizational skills
• People with strong organizational skills are essential to help a

business function successfully by ensuring operational

efficiency. These skills are needed in the workplace to increase

productivity and ensure company goals are consistently met.

Examples of organizational skills

• While there are a broad range of organizational skills, most fall

into one of two categories — physical or reasoning. It’s a good

idea to use both reasoning and physical organizational skills in

conjunction since they’re both integral to achieving goals.

Physical organizational skills
• Physical organizational skills generally pertain to keeping a tidy
workspace (physical and virtual) and orderly workplace habits.
For instance, if you attend a project planning meeting, you could
demonstrate organizational skills by taking clear notes during
the meeting, saving them in a designated place where you can
easily refer back to them and making appropriate updates to a
corresponding project timeline.
Some examples of physical organizational skills in the
workplace include:

 Documentation: Documenting the progress of a project, new

ideas when they come to you, personal and professional goals

or your to-do list.

 Filing: You could primarily deal with digital files, emails or paper
documents. Regardless, having designated folders or drives
where you save important information can help you move quickly
and be more proactive at work.

 Record keeping: Recording business transactions or events in a

systematic way is also a crucial skill, especially when working with
clients, vendors or direct reports. This can help you and other
collaborators set clear expectations, track accountability and plan
for the future.
 Orderliness: Decluttering your physical and virtual space can

often help you declutter your thoughts as well. When you have

an organized state of mind, you typically have more clarity to

analyze problems and make decisions.

Reasoning Organizational Skills
• Organizational skills related to reasoning and critical thinking

can help you solve problems, plan projects, collaborate better

and much more. These skills are attractive to employers

because they demonstrate your dynamic qualities as an

Examples of organizational skills that involve
reasoning include:
 Analytical: Your ability to conduct research, sort data, swiftly

process findings and come to a sound conclusion requires

strong organizational skills.

 Collaboration: It also takes organizational skills to work

harmoniously with others on your team when you may have to
schedule and run 3 meetings, assign or take on new
responsibilities, set expectations or track deliverables.
 Communication: Organized communication is necessary to work

effectively with colleagues whether they are direct reports,

managers or clients.

 Planning: Another organizational skill is deciding what actually

needs to be done, when it needs to be done, then planning that

 Delegation: You can also hone the skill of deciding who is the

best person to do each task, communicating the assignment to

them and helping them track their progress.

 Time management: Another part of organizational skills is

understanding how to scope the amount of time a certain task

should take.
Below are more examples of organizational skills that employers value
and that could also help you succeed at work. It can be easier to develop
these skills once you start building a strong organizational routine:
Strategy Leading or managing teams

A. Conflict management

B. Critical thinking

C. Problem solving

D. Attention to detail
How to communicate organizational skills to employers

• During the hiring process, employers will observe your

reasoning and physical organizational skills to evaluate the level

of your proficiency. It’s important to convey both types of this

skill so interviewers and hiring managers can understand your

full potential.

Demonstrate organizational skills in your resume

• The visual appeal of your resume demonstrates your physical

organizational skills. Your resume should be free of errors and
formatting inconsistencies, as recruiters might interpret these as
a lack of attention to detail. In addition, using a simple design
that’s easy to read and presenting the content in a logical order
shows that you have the skills to organize information.

Discuss your organizational skills during an interview

• Show your physical organizational skills during an interview by

arriving early, dressing neatly, taking notes and asking
thoughtful questions. This also comes into play when you give
your answers. Display your organizational skills that involve
reasoning when describing what you actually did and how you
accomplished your goals.

How to develop and use strong organizational skills

• To create a habit of strong organizational skills, it’s often

essential to develop them and gradually apply them to your

workday routine over time.

Here are a few ways to develop organizational skills that you
can use regularly at work.

• Create a clean workspace • Organize your materials

• Identify goals to meet • Reward yourself regularly

• Build a to-do list • Maintain a healthy work-life

• Prioritize each task

• Input tasks into a schedule Bolo

1. Create a clean workspace

• Assess what’s in and around your workspace and get rid of any

objects or documents that you deem unnecessary to complete

your daily responsibilities.

2. Identify goals to meet

• As you develop an organizational plan, you may first want to set

career goals you’d like to meet. You can do this by

brainstorming a list of projects or tasks you’d like to complete.

These can be items previously assigned by a supervisor or they

can be self- improvement goals you set for yourself.

3. Build a to-do list

• Once you establish a goal, build a to-do list to establish the

necessary steps to achieve it. Try starting with a larger project or

goal. Evaluate how long it might take to estimate a final

deadline, break it up into smaller tasks and write them down in a

4. Prioritize each task

• You can now take this to-do list and begin organizing it based on

priority. Place the most important tasks with upcoming deadlines

at the top of the list. These are the tasks you should complete

before the others.

5. Input tasks into a schedule

• Once you’ve established the tasks to be completed, you can

schedule when you’ll work on them. Decide how long each task

may take and build a schedule accordingly. Try to find time for

regular breaks to let your brain rest and refresh. This may help

you better focus on completing a task once your break is over.

6. Organize your materials

• To increase productivity and remain organized, store documents

in files that are clearly labeled and easy to find. Designate

folders on your computer to store important resources and

documents. Sort through each of your existing files and move

documents to their respective folders.

7. Reward yourself regularly

• To encourage consistent organizational skills, build a reward

system for yourself. For example, if you complete every
scheduled task on time that day, treat yourself to something that
you enjoy. When you acknowledge your achievements, even in
small ways, it can help you build motivation to complete each

8. Maintain a healthy work-life balance

• Successfully balancing your personal and work life can help you

remain organized and consistent. Generally, your brain can

process information better when you give it some rest and allow

yourself to also focus on non-work related activities.

11 Organizational Skills That
Every Smart Leader Needs

1. Time Management

• Poor time-management is at the root of so many issues within a

company. As the leader, it’s your responsibility to ensure that

things run like clockwork. This is only possible by having a firm

understanding of what it is to be organized.

2. The Ability to Plan

• Planning makes organizing easier but we are often lacking when

it comes to being able to plan ahead. Again, poor planning leads
to disorganization and more pressure on you. Remember that
planning takes different forms including dealing with time and
how a project must proceed. However, a smart leader has to
take things one step further to make a difference.

Dela Pena
3. Scheduling

• Having a schedule, followed by keeping to it, is known to be an

effective tool for organizing your life. Scheduling indicates to

others that you have an awareness about what they are doing. It

also shows you have a firm grip on what is being done and that

there are no issues with balancing a number of projects.

Dela Pena
4. Resources Organization
• It’s important to get the most out of your resources and this too

requires organization. Even knowing when to use those

resources is important to prevent them becoming exhausted or

used at incorrect times. Organization in this sense means being

acutely aware of the resources at hand and those you may call

upon with a project.

Dela Pena
5. Delegation

• Delegation is an art form and not everyone has mastered it. An

effective leader also understands its importance for a project to
run smoothly. It’s impossible to handle each aspect of a project
yourself, and that is where delegating tasks can help. Being
aware of who is best for a particular task prevents that
overwhelmed feeling which will free you to oversee each aspect
of the project.
Dela Rosa
6. Priorities Management

• Being capable of prioritizing things will make your life easier.

Creating a ‘to-do’ list and understanding which deadlines come

first then leads to better planning as well as less stress. As your

experience builds, you become more confident at knowing

which tasks are the most important.

Dela Rosa
7. Cooperation Skills

• The correct collaboration makes life easier. The only problem is

that it does require organization on your part. An organized

leader is aware of those individuals that may be the best person

for a particular task. Not organizing leaves you in a position of

searching for help when it should be plain sailing.

8. Setting Targets and Goals

• An organized individual will find it easier to set goals and

targets, and then achieve them. A smart leader is able to show

others that they can set goals, work towards them and ultimately

achieve them. The only way in which this is done is by

9. Maintaining Efficiency

• Organization and efficiency go hand in hand as you cannot have

one without the other. Efficiency leads to the need for planning

as the smoother something runs, then the fewer problems you

encounter and the happier everybody tends to be.

10. Clear Communication

• A strong leader needs to be able to communicate clearly at all

times. With your organizational skills, you will find that this is
easier to do. You are also able to communicate exactly what you
need simply because you are organized and know the status
quo at that point.

11. Self-Care

• Nothing mentioned above is possible if you are not organized in

your own life. The ability to look after yourself is the glue that
holds everything else together. You need to eat and sleep well,
along with taking care of your general health. Organization in
each aspect of your life is essential to ensure you have a
healthy balance.

The Bottom Line

• These 11 skills are essential for any smart leader who

wishes to be more organized in everything that they do.


Aguitas, Princess M.
Alcorin, Alvin Cole R.
Amarille, Francis Mar C.
Amoy, Joseph R.
Amper, Lyjohn A
Baldove, Ronel M.
Bedico, Brechie E.
Bolo, Jelyn Mae G.
Cal, Gwyneth Sophia E.
Concha III, Cristobal H.
Cuanan, Nikko Pantaleon
Dela Pena, Edje B.
Dela Rosa, Levien Jan B.
Demonteverde, Joshua Romeo T.
Domagas, Dominic D.
Thank you

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