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What is Dialogue?
• Dialogue is a conversation between characters
in a literary work.
• It shows the exact words spoken by characters.
• It is important because it helps bring
characters to life.
• It helps readers understand what the characters
are thinking and feeling. It also moves the plot
How to Write Dialogue Properly!
• Start a new paragraph when moving from one speaker
to another!
• Capitalize the first letter of the first word within the
quotation marks!
• Be sure that it is clear who is speaking at all times!
• Use speaker tags (descriptive words) to tell how a
character says something!
– This will help the reader “hear” (understand the
emotions behind) what the character is saying.
How to Write Dialogue Properly!
Jake and Josh sat at the library table looking over the
rubric for their English project.
Indent! “Alright, so we know we are going to do the report on
Mark Twain, but what about the technology part?” Jake asked. Tags!
“I don’t know.” Replied Josh as he turned the rubric over
searching for the technology section. “Oh! It says here that we
can get technology credit if we e-mail the report to the teacher.
We can do that!” Start a new paragraph!
“Ok! Cool! Wait!” Jake groaned and hit himself in the
forehead. “How will we remember to send the e-mail?”
Grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil, Josh replied, “I’ll
write a note to remind us. Don’t worry! We’ll get an A for sure!”
Now You Try!
Assignment: Write a conversation between your
two characters about something.
– Be sure to use proper formatting!!!
– Proper spelling and capitalization!!!
– The conversation should make sense based on the
main conflict/issue your two characters have with one
– Don’t forget to include speaker tags!!!
Music Heals
“You were wonderful sweetheart!”
Melinda rushed to her father, and flung herself into his arms. Her
face was flushed from the excitement of her success. “Oh dad! I
can’t believe I did it! I was so scared! But, then I started playing
and it was like Mom was…” She pulled back to look up at her
father, tears filling her eyes.
“Your mother would be so proud, darling.”
“I know.” Melinda brushed a tear away as she stepped back
finally noticing the woman standing at her father’s side.
Katie smiled broadly as Melinda’s gaze switched from her father
to her, “You were wonderful, Melinda! Congratulations!”
Giving her father a questioning look she gave the woman a
reserved smile, “Thank you, Ms…?”
“Melinda, this is Katie Humble. I am glad that you two finally
get to meet.” James said as he took Katie’s hand.

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