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Effective Problem

Solving Process

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines,Inc.


1.To provide the delegates with the understanding of the
process to problem solving .
2.To provide the delegates with the methodology to carry out
root cause analysis .
3.To provide delegates with the tools for identifying the
corrective actions to be taken.

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 2


1. Introduction to Problem Solving Process
2. Step 0 : Identify Opportunity or Benchmark
3. Step 1 : Formation of Team / Define Objective / Establish
Timeline / Immediate Correction
4. Step 2 : Root cause Analysis
5. Step 3 : Validating Potential Root Causes
6. Step 4 : Develop and Implement Corrective Actions
7. Step 5 : Develop and Implement Sustainability Measures
8. Step 6 : Definition of New Opportunities

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 3

1. Introduction to Problem Solving Process

What is a problem ?

. Difficult matter requiring solutions

. Something hard to understand or accomplish
. Whatever stops us from doing things better or more
. An opportunity for improvement

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1. Introduction to Problem Solving Process

The 3 conditions required

. A gap exists between current and the desired

. The cause of the problem is not clearly understood
. The solution is not apparent

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1. Introduction to Problem Solving Process

Problem Solving Process Defined

. “ A process to analyze problems , determine and eliminate

its root causes .”
.Scientific way
. A disciplined process
. Extensive data collection
. Utilizes suitable statistical tools to perform data
analysis and monitoring
. Concludes facts based on analyzed results ;
. Periodically review results

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2. Step 0 : Identify Opportunity

Evaluate the current state

. Begin by studying the current business processes.

. Standardize the process by documenting :
. Process flows
. Process effectiveness
. Process efficiency
. Identify process external and internal customers and what
they require of the process.

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VOP---voice of the process

VOC---voice of the customer
VOB---voice of the business
VOE---voice of the employees
CTQ---critical to quality
CTP---critical to process

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 8

Project Opportunity Identification Muda-Based

Mapping Tools

No To o ls Hig hlig ht wa s te s s uch a s

S p a g he tti Dia g ra m a nd 1.Mo tio n
P ro ce s s Flo w Ana lys is 2.Tra ns p o rta tio n
3.Inve nto ry
4.wa iting
5.De fe cts

Va lue S tre a m Ma p 1.Ove r P ro d uctio n

2.Ove r p ro ce s s ing
3.Inve nto ry
4.Wa iting
5.De fe cts

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 9

Mapping Tips

. Always collect information whilst walking the pathways

. Start with quick door – to-door overview
. Begin at shipping point ad work upstream
. Establish downtime , scrap value based on 1-3 months
. Do your own cycle time per unit and inventory counts
. Do the whole stream yourself
. Use pencil and paper- en route
. Resist the PC

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Business Case and Problem Statement

Business case :
This helps in understanding how the PSP project is linked
with the overall business objectives.
This should be able to answer the following :
. Why is the project worth doing ?
. Why is it important to customers ?
. Why is it important to business
. Why is it important to employees ?
. Why is it important to do it now ?
. What are the consequences of not doing the project now
. How does it fit with the operational initiatives and
targets ?

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Business Case to problem Statement

. Migrate the Business Case into a Problem Statement.

. The Business Case serves as a guide in forming a
Problem Statement , as a PSP Project team leader
learns more about the process and the defects that are
occurring .

Problem Statement :
This answers the following :
. What is wrong ?
. Where and When is it occurring ?
. What is the baseline magnitude at which is it occurring ?
. What is costing me ?

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Project Objective ( Project Success Measure )

The Project Objective defines the objective of the PSP

Project team in measurable terms by defining the
improvement objectives and specific targets .

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3 Step 1 : Form team and Project

< a small group of individuals with complementary skills /
knowledge who must work together toward a common
purpose for which they hold themselves mutually

“ Coming together is a beginning

Keeping together is process
Working together is Success “
-Henry Ford -

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Team Chartering

Two critical success factors ;

.1st : A meaningful Team leader
< Project charter-outlines the team’s reason for existence
( purpose ), scope of their project ( where it starts and where
it ends ),set of goals or expectations for improvement at the
completion of the project , rough timeline for work , and list
of people on the team , including the Project champion.
. 2nd : People
< 5 working days with full – time participation ; or
< 4-6 months with 20 % of their time devoted to the project
< The Team’s Champion ( Sponsor ) – a person with enough
clout in the organization to largely approve Team Member
© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 15
Team Leader

. A Team Leader is responsible for ensuring that everything

gets done in the project .
. Usually the team members are outside team leader’s direct
Team leader is not expected to :
- Have all the answers.
- Make all the of the decisions
- Do all the work
. A team leader is expected to :
- Motivate and sustain member’s commitment to team’s goal
- Cultivate teamwork
- Ensure that team members are competent

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Project Chartering

. Project Charter is a document created at the outset of a

project to assign the project to the team .
. It is an important tool for building committed project team.
. A team Charter should specify the following :
-Project Title
-The process to be improved
-The business case and problem statement
-The goal statement
-estimated project savings
-Name of Champion
-Team leader and members
-Project timeline

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Project Charter Guidelines

Problem Statement Business case

What is wrong ? Why should we do this ?
When happened ? What pain are we experiencing ?
Where happened ?

Goal Statement Project Scope

What are our improvement objectives What authority do we have ?
and targets ? What processes are we addressing ?
Is it based on SMART criteria ? What is not within scope ?

Team Selection Project Plan

Who are the team members ? How are we going to get this done ?
What responsibilities will they have ? When are we going to complete the
work ?

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 18

Financial Benefits Calculations

The purpose of estimating financial benefits :

. Quantity project benefits financially;

. Prioritize improvement projects and ,
. Evaluate the return on investments from the PSP

Key Components : Financial Benefits

. Saving Items ;
, Costing Data
. Financial Measurement Guidelines

© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 19

Determining Immediate Correction ( s ) ;

This means that the Project Team is able to detect defects

in the area where the opportunity was determined .

.Defects account for all errors on a unit / product

< A unit may have multiple defects

.Defectives simply classifies the unit / product which is

<Does not matter how many defects there are

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Effectiveness of Correction ( s )

Correction ( s ) are deemed effective if the defects and / or

defectives did not worsen.

.Corrections are aimed at addressing the symptoms

encountered in the area of opportunity via our senses
( smell , taste , touch , hear and see )

Corrective actions are deemed effective if the defects /

defectives did not recur .

.Corrective actions aimed at addressing the root cause ( s )

of the defects / defectives.

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4. Step 2 : Root Cause Analysis

. A root cause is a factor that caused a non-

conformance / defect ( problem ) and should be
permanently eliminated through process improvement .

. Root cause analysis is a collective term that describes

a wide range of approaches , tools , and techniques
used to uncover causes of problems.

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To Determine the Cause ( s ) :

 Start with the event ( problem )

 . Examine the information collected
 Identify potential causes
 Identify root causes

. Clearly identify the problem
. Select leader and team
. Set time and suitable venue
. Give each person a turn to suggest a possible root cause
. Accept all ideas , go round until no more ideas
team discusses ideas and select more probable causes.
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Validation Tests
. Tests / trials
< This is by performing tests and / or trials to confirm if the
potential root cause is the real cause of the problem
< This is also known as the Validation of Hypotheses about root

Data Analysis
. Data Analysis & Interpretation
< The team shall analyze and evaluate appropriate data and
information arising from monitoring and measurement in the identified
area of opportunity
. The results of analysis shall be used to evaluate :
< the conformity of the products
< the real root cause of the problem
NOTE : The methods to analyze and interpret the data can include
statistical techniques.
© 2018 ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc. P. 24
Going to the Gemba
. Gemba “ The Actual Place “
< this is where the work tales place and value is created for
the customers . Work and value are not always aligned.
. Gembutsu“ The Thing “
< this could be a piece of equipment , a product , etc. . It is
the target ( opportunity ) for improvement .
. Genjitsu“ The Facts “
< this is what is happening in the area of the PSP , line , etc.
. Genchi Gembutsu “ Go Observe “
< This means that the Team would go observe an area of
opportunity or where a problem might be occurring . By doing
this, the team gain first-hand information that might have
been filtered for them.

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5. Step 3 : Validating Potential Root Causes

Structured process for Team Decision Making based on :

. Go to the Gemba
. Data analysis
. Validation tests

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6. Step 4 : Develop and Implement Corrective

. Only used to correct the event
. Does not prevent recurrence

Corrective action
. Focus on eliminating the root causes , any contributing
causes and direct causes

Provided Data collection and Root Cause Analysis are

complete , the objective now is to ;
< identify the corrective action
< test corrective action
< implement corrective action

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Implement Corrective Actions : Key Steps

1.Brainstorm potential solutions

< Follow the funnel process when identifying suitable
improvement solutions .
2.Evaluate and select the best solution
< Solution Evaluation criteria examples ;
1. Effectiveness of solution
How effective is the solution in addressing the root cause
2. Impact on organization
Which employees will be affected and how ? How much
resistance might there be ?
3. Ease of implementation
How easy would it be to implement the solution
4. Cost
Dollars , time , additional investments needed , training
5. Time
How long will it take to implement the solution ?
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3.Develop solutions action plan
< Solution action plan is the action plan to implement the improvement
solutions selected
4.Perform potential risks assessment and stakeholders
< Perform potential risks assessment and stakeholders analysis
. Identify risks to the following: quality management system and
complimentary management system
. Decide who and what will be impacted by the risks identified
. Assess the risks and take action
5.Pilot solutions and check effectiveness .
< Purpose of pilot testing :
. to further improve the solution
. to validate the expected results
. to facilitate buy-in
. to reduce risk of failure
. to identify unknown performance problems
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Pilot solutions and check effectiveness .
Check solutions effectiveness :
. Collect new data on the process output measured after
implementing the solutions
. Prepare “ before “ and “ after “ charts
. Use appropriate statistical tools to check whether the
improvement made is significant
. Check whether the project objective is attained

Risk Assessment : Steps

1.Brainstorm potential risk items :
< Possible adverse effects that could arise from introducing
new methods
< New factors that could cause the process to deteriorate
from its improved state.
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2.Quantify the risk level of each risk items
3.For high risk items , identify the appropriate preventive

Risk Assessment Summary

. Potential
risks assessment helps the project team to anticipate
potential risks as a result of the process change .
. The purpose is to make the team thinks through what
might go wrong and address them early .
. This is a simple exercise and should be conducted as part
of Improve phase activities .
. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ( FMEA ) is a more
detailed approach and should be applied if a more details
assessment of potential risks is necessary .
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7. Step 5 : Develop and Implement Sustainability
This is to ensure that we are maintaining the gain from the
PSP Projects :

Policy Changes
. Which corporate policies should be changed as a result of the project
. Have some policies been rendered obsolete
. Are new policies needed
New standards
. Did the project bring into the conformance with a standard
. Customer standards ?
. Government standards ?
. International Governing body / Regulatory Standards
Modify procedures
. Procedures describe the way things are supposed to be done .

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Modify Quality appraisal and Audit criteria

. The QC activity in an organization exists to ensure conformance to
requirements.This will work for your organization by ensuring that the
changes made to documentation will result in changes in the way the work
is done
Change Engineering Drawings
. Many PSP projects create engineering change requests as part of their
solution .
. These re-design may include Poka-Yoke systems and methods

Change Manufacturing Planning

. An organization’s manufacturing plans describe in detail how product is to
be processed and produced .if manufacturing plans are not changed , the
new and improved approach is likely to be lost due to personnel turnover.

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Sustainabiliy Measures : Muda-based
Documentation Plan
. Documentation is necessary to ensure what has been learned from the
project is shared and institutionalized.
Monitoring plan
. Assures gains are achieved and sustained
. Provides insight for future process improvement
Seiri / Sort –keep only what is needed for the job
Seiton / Set---place for everything & everything in its place
Seiso / Shine---keep continuously clean
Seiketsu / Standardize—make and maintain standards
Shitsuke / Self-disciple---make 5s a habit
Visual management
. Bring the workplace to the point where all problems, abnormalities and
wastes that can be immediately recognized at a single glance.
. Create the type of workplace that is “ easy to understand” simply by using
our eyes.
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Poka Yoke
< means mistake-proofing
. To avoid ( Yoke ) inadvertent errors ( Poka ) –a methodology
of preventing errors by placing limits on how operations can be
correctly completed
. Shingo went on to develop Poka Yoke under the overall Zero
Defect Quality Concept for the next three decades .

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Check project Effectiveness ( Project Closure )

. Collect new data on the process output measured after
implementing the sustainability measures.
Check whether the project objective is attained
. Collect new data on the process output measured after
implementing the sustainability measures.
Share lessons learned
. Try to determine if there are lessons learned that can and
should be shared with other .
. In any event , providing complete and accurate
documentation makes it easier for others to benefit from your
project experience.

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8. Step 6 : Definition of New Opportunities
. Defining new opportunities mean that problem Solving Process
is iterative . It is a virtuous cycle whereby all employees are
advocates of change.
. Changes are through the following steps :
< Step 0 ( Identify Opportunities / Benchmark )
< Step 5 ( Develop and Implement Sustainability Measures)
SCRAMPER ( Creative Checklist )
Substitute ( or Simplify )—what else instead? Other material? Other process?
Other time? Other location?
Combine —Combine ideas ?Combine units? Combine purposes? Blending?
Bundling? An assortment ?
Adapt—What other ideas does this suggest ? Who can we copy from?
Modify—New twist , change color , change material , more time , extra value ,
exaggerate , less frequent
Put to other uses—Does this offer a parallel
Eliminate—remove , reduce
Rearrange—interchange , other lay out , other sequence ,
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