TTDT - 05 EPayment Security II

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Chương 5: ePayment Security II

 Mã hóa khóa công cộng (Public-key
 One-way trapdoor functions
 Protocol Failure
Public Key Encryption
Clear-text Input Cipher-text Clear-text Output
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brown fox “Py75c%bn&*)9| brown fox
jumps over fDe^bDFaq#xzjFr@g jumps over
the lazy 5=&nmdFg$5knvMd’r the lazy
dog” kvegMs” dog”

Encryption Decryption

public privat
Different but e
Recipient’s mathematically Recipient’s
public key linked keys private key


One-Way Trapdoor Function
 A function that is easy to compute
 Computationally difficult to invert without knowing the
secret (the “trapdoor”)
 Easy to invert with the secret
 Example: f x (y) = x • y
 Given f x (y), it is difficult to find either x or y
 Given f x (y) and x (the secret), it is easy to find y:
y = x•y / x
 ANY one-way trapdoor function can be used in
public-key cryptography.
Trapdoor Functions for Cryptogrpahy
 Alice wants to send message m to Bob
 Bob’s public key e is a parameter to the trapdoor function
 The inverse fe -1(y) is easy to compute knowing Bob’s private
key d but difficult without d
 Alice computes fe(m), sends it to Bob
 Bob computes fe -1(fe(m)) = m (easy if d is known)
 Eavesdropper Eve can’t compute m = fe -1(fe(m)) without the
trapdoor d to find the inverse fe -1
 Symmetric encryption satisfies the trapdoor criteria except
that e and d are the same, so neither can be made public
Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA)
 It is easy to multiply two numbers but apparently hard
to factor a number into a product of two others.
 Given p, q, it is easy to compute n = p • q
 Example: p = 5453089; q = 3918067
 Easy to find n = 21365568058963
 Given n, hard to find two numbers p, q with p • q = n
 Now suppose n = 7859112349338149
What are p and q such that p • q = n ?
 Multiplication is a one-way function
 RSA exploits this fact in public-key encryption
RSA Encryption
 Select two large prime numbers p, q (e.g. 1024 bits)
 Let n = p • q
 Choose a small odd integer e that does not divide
m = (p - 1)(q - 1). Then find x with x(p-1)(q-1) = 1 (mod n)
 Compute d = e-1(mod m)
 That is, d • e gives remainder 1 when divided by m
 Then xe •d = x (mod n) (by Fermat’s “Little” Theorem)
 Public key is the pair (e, n)
 Private key is the pair (d, n)
 d cannot be calculated quickly from (e, n)
Still need p and q, which involves factoring n
RSA Encryption
 Message M is a number

 To encrypt message M using key (e, n):

 Compute E(M) = M e (mod n)

 To decrypt message E(M) using key (d, n):

 Compute D(E(M)) = E(M) d (mod n)

 Note that D(E(M)) = E(D(M)) = (M e)d (mod n)

= M e•d (mod n) = M
because e • d = 1 (mod m) and m = (p-1)(q-1)
Protocol Failure
 A “secure” cryptosystem is not secure if used carelessly
 Protocols must be followed carefully or a “protocol failure”
 Example: “common modulus” failure
 Bob and Carol have the same public-key modulus n with
encryption exponents eBOB and eCAROL having no common factor
 Alice sends the same plaintext M to both Bob and Carol
 Bob gets yBOB = MeBOB mod n
 Carol gets yCAROL = MeCAROL mod n
 If Eve intercepts both, she can read the message
Protocol Failure
 Eve computes:
c1 = eBOB
(mod eCAROL ) yBOB
c2 = ((c1 eBOB) - 1 )/ eCAROL
M = yBOBc1 ( yCAROLc2 )-1 (mod n)
= (MeBOB)c1 ((MeCAROL)c2)-1 (mod n)
= (MeBOB)c1 ((MeCAROL)(c1(eBOB)-1)/eCAROL)-1 (mod n)
= (MeBOB)c1 (M(c1eBOB-1))-1 (mod n)
= M (Mc1(eBOB)-1)) (M( c1(eBOB)-1))-1 (mod n)
= M mod n
 So Eve recovers the original message!
Major Ideas
 Any one-way trapdoor function can be used as
the basis of a public-key cryptosystem
 Public-key encryption is slow because of the
need to work with huge numbers (~2000 bits)
 Cryptosystems can be insecure if not used
 Elliptic curve cryptography allows high security
with small key sizes
Câu hỏi:
 Chữ ký số có thể dùng trong phương pháp
bảo mật nào để đảm bảo an toàn trong thanh
toán điện tử? Nêu từng phương pháp và giải
thích cụ thể?
 Hiện nay có bao nhiêu nhà cung cấp dịch vụ
chữ ký số tại Việt Nam và chữ ký số của nhà
cung cấp nào là tốt?

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