Forces Friction

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1.5.2 Friction
1 Describe friction as a force that may impede motion and produce heating
2 Understand the motion of objects acted on by a constant weight or driving force,
with and without drag (including air resistance or resistance in a liquid)
3 Explain how an object reaches terminal velocity
4 Define the thinking distance, braking distance and stopping distance of a moving
5 Explain the factors that affect thinking and braking distance including speed,
tiredness, alcohol, drugs, load, tyre surface and road conditions
Force of friction
It is an opposing force which slows down the slide motion of one body over the
Effects of friction
slows down motion
heat/ loss of energy
Methods to reduce friction
stream line bodies
use of lubricants
Free fall acceleration
╸ This is the acceleration when body is falling
freely just under the action of one force i.e.
╸ Its value is 10m/s2.
╸ It is possible when there is no air resistance.
Terminal velocity
Stopping distance (thinking and braking
Thinking distance
‧ The distance covered after seeing the obstacle and
before applying the brakes.
‧ Factors affecting thinking distance are
‧ Speed of car
‧ Reflexes of driver
‧ Vision of driver
‧ Focus of driver
Braking distance

╸ It is the distance covered after applying the brakes.

‧ Factors affecting braking distance
‧ Speed of car
‧ Friction between tires and road
‧ Friction between brakes and brake pads
‧ Force with which brakes are applied.
‧ Mass of car.

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