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Systems Analysis and Design


Introduction to Information System

Topic & Structure of The Lesson

 Definition of a system
 Components of an Information System
 Types of Information System
 Current Trends in IS Projects

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Learning Outcomes

At the end of this topic, you should be able to describe:

1. Definition of a system
2. Components of an Information System (IS)
3. Types of Information System (IS)
4. Current Trends in IS Projects

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Key Terms You Must Be Able To Use

If you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use

the following terms correctly in your assignments and
 System
 Hardware
 Software
 Data
 Processes
 people

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System—Set of related
components that produces
specific results

Businesses use many types of


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Components of Information Systems

 Information systems
have five key
hardware, software,
data, processes,
and people

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Components of Information Systems
 Hardware
 Is the physical layer of the information system
 Can include :
 Servers
 Workstations
 Networks
 Scanners
 Digital capture devices
 Telecommunications
 equipment
 Fiber-optic cables
 Mobile devices
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Components of Information Systems

 Software
 Programs that control the hardware and produce the
desired information or results
 Consists of:

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Components of Information Systems

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Components of Information Systems

 Data
 Data is raw facts that an IS
transforms into useful
 Data has no
inherent meaning
 Data cannot be
used for making
FIGURE 1-8 In a typical payroll
system, data is stored in separate
tables that are linked to form an
overall database.
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Components of Information Systems

 Processes
 Describe the tasks and business functions that users,
managers, and IT staff members perform to achieve
specific results
 Represent actual day-today business operations
 Example : User Registration process, Payment
process, etc.

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Components of Information Systems

 People
 Have an interest in an IS
 A user is a person who communicates with an IS or
uses the information that it generates
 Stakeholders
 Users (technical and non-technical)

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Types of Information Systems

Today, identify a system by its functions and features,

rather than by its users
 Enterprise computing systems
 Transaction processing systems
 Business support systems
 Knowledge management systems
 User productivity systems

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Types of Information Systems

 Enterprise computing
 Support company-wide
operations and data
 Enterprise resource
planning (ERP)
 Many hardware and
software vendors target
the enterprise
computing market

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Types of Information Systems

 Transaction processing
 Involve large amounts of
data and are mission-
critical systems
 Efficient because they
process a set of
commands as a group
rather than individually

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Types of Information Systems

 Business support systems

 Provide job-related information to users at all levels of
a company
 Management information systems (MIS)
 Radio frequency identification (RFID)
 What-if

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Types of Information Systems

 Knowledge management systems

 Called expert systems
 Simulate human reasoning by combining a knowledge
base and inference rules
 Many knowledge management systems use a
technique called fuzzy logic.

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Types of Information Systems

 User productivity systems

 Technology that improves productivity.
 Examples: e-mail, voice mail, fax, video conferencing, word
processing, automated calendars, database management,
spreadsheets, desktop publishing, presentation graphics.
 User productivity system also includes groupware. 
 Groupware programs run on a company intranet and enable
users to share data, collaborate on projects, and work in teams.

 Information systems integration

 Systems that combine transaction processing, business support,
knowledge management, and user productivity features.
 Combine different databases from various sources with
data integration tools, visualization and models.
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Current Trends in IS Projects

Some methods that are adopted in software development

projects are as follow:

 Structured/Traditional Methods
Use of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model,
usually includes five steps:
Systems Planning
Systems Analysis
Systems Design
Systems Implementation
Systems Support and Security

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Current Trends in IS Projects

 Object-oriented Methods
 Combines data & processes that act on the data into
things called objects
 Object is a member of a class
 Objects possess properties
 Methods change an object’s properties
 A message requests specific behavior or information
from another object
 Usually follow a series of analysis and design phases
that are similar to the SDLC
 Interactive model

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Current Trends in IS Projects

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Current Trends in IS Projects

 Agile Methods
 Are the newest development
 Emphasize continuous feedback
 Iterative development
 Agile community has published the Agile Manifesto
 Examples: Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP)

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Current Trends in IS Projects

 Other Software Development Methods

 Joint application development (JAD)
 Rapid application development (RAD)
 Rational Unified Process (RUP®)
 Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)

 Analysts should understand the pros and cons of any

approach before selecting a software development
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Review Questions

1. List and briefly describe the FIVE (5) types of

information systems?
2. List and briefly describe the TWO (2) types of software?
3. Describe what is legacy system?
4. Describe the current trends in Information System (IS)

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Summary of Main Teaching Points

 Definition of a system
 Components of an Information System
 Types of Information System
 Current Trends in IS Projects

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What we will cover next

 Systems Analyst and Project Manager

– The skills and roles or Systems Analyst and Project
– Project management issues

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Essential Reading
 Satzinger,J.W., Jackson,R.B., Burd,S.D. (2016).
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World.
7th ed. Cengage Learning. ISBN: 1305117204
 Valacich,J.A., George,J. (2016). Modern Systems
Analysis and Design. 8th ed. Pearson. ISBN:

Suggested Reading
 Schwalbe,K. (2016). Information technology project
management. 8th ed. Course Technology. ISBN:
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