Philip-Power Dissipation in CMOS Circuit

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Intro to Types of Power

Dissipation in CMOS Circuits

Philip Austin M
Types of Power Dissipation in CMOS circuit.
• Power dissipation in CMOS circuits arises from two different
• static power, which is primarily leakage power and is caused by the
transistor not completely turning off, and
• dynamic power, which is largely the result of switching capacitive
loads between two different voltage states.
When Static Power dissipation occurs?
• Static power dissipation When a CMOS circuit is in an idle state there
is still some static power dissipation–a result of leakage current
through nominally off transistors.
• Both nMOS and pMOS transistors used in CMOS logic gates have finite
reverse leakage and sub-threshold currents.
• This mainly happen due the diffused electron and diffused ions in the
Types of Static Power leakage
• 1) Sub Threshold Leakage
• 2) Gate Leakage
• 3) Junction Leakage
1) Sub threshold Leakage
• Sub threshold Leakage current is the current which flow between
drain and Source.
• Vgs = Vg- vs
• When Vgs<Vt (for nMos)
• Vsg = vs - vg
• When Vsg<|vt| (for pMos)
Sub threshold Leakage

Drain to source Leakage

2)Gate Leakage
• Leakage Through gate is observed when oxide is very thin and it
allows current to pass through it.
• The electric field component between the drain and source, parallel
to the Si-SiO2 interface, is small. Due to this negligible electric field,
the drift current is negligible and the sub threshold current mainly
consists of diffusion current.
• This may cause the overall design of the MOSFET.
Gate Leakage
3)Junction Leakage
• PN Junction in a transistor from diodes, these diodes are reverse
• The pn junction reverse-biased leakage current depends on doping
concentration and junction area.
• However, reversed biased diodes still conduct a small amount of
current , which causes junction leakage current.
Junction Leakage
When the Dynamic Power dissipation
• Dynamic Power is the power Which is dissipated when the circuit is
active, and a circuit is active anytime voltage on input net changes
due to some stimulus applied. i.e happen when the switching is

• Note:
• Change in the Voltage of the input net may or may not lead to change
in the logic state of output. But in both the cases dynamic power will
be dissipated. i.e i/p =1 then o/p = 0 , otherwise i/p=0 then o/p=1 in
the case of inverter.
Types of Dynamic Power
• 1) Switching Power
• 2) Internal Power
1) Switching Power
• Switch power is the power dissipated while the charging and
discharging the load capacitor at the output of the cell.
Switching Power Equation
• When the input switches from 1 to 0, the Pmos Transistor turns ON
and changes the load to VDD.
• At, that time, the energy delivered by the power supply is:
• E= C VDD^2
• Now the Energy stored in the capacitor, i.e., the energy used to
charge the capacitor.
• Ec = 0.5CL VDD^2
• It is to be noted here that only half of the energy is used to charge the
load capacitor and the other half is dissipated as heat in the Pmos
• Now, When the input Switches from o to 1, the Pmos transistor turns
OFF and the Nmos transistor turn ON, dis charging the Capacitor.
Switching Power Equation
• Now, if the input Switch”α” times in a cycle and if the input transition
causes output transition as well, we would say that switching activity
factor is”α”.
• Thus, Pswitching = 0.5αCL(VDD^2)F
• Where f=frequency
• CL = Load Capacitance
• Vdd = Supply Voltage
• α = Switching Factor , (i.e) in digital it can be a Clock signal.
2) Internal Power
• Internal Power is any Power which is dissipated within the boundary
of a cell.

Short Circuit Power

Internal Power

Power needed to charge or

discharge the internal node
of the a transistor.
Short Circuit Power
• Short Circuit Power is the Power dissipated when both Pmos and Nmos are “on”
simultaneously during input transition.

• Pmos is “ON” when :
• NMOS is “ON” When:
VT<=Vin<= VDD
• Therefore, both Pmos and Nmos are “ON for:
CMOS Typical Signal Analysis
Thank you…

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