Time Management

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Time Management

Time Management 1
Benefits of time management

• Efficient
• Successful
• Healthy

Time Management 2
Obstacles to effective time
Unclear objectives


Inability to say “no”

Time Management 3
Obstacles to effective time

More interruptions

Periods of inactivity
Time Management 4
Obstacles to effective time
Too many things at once

Stress and fatigue

All work and no play

Time Management 5
What can we do?

Recognize that obstacles exist

Identify them
Employ strategies to overcome
Time Management 6
Set goals
• Specific
• Measurable

Time Management 7
Set goals
• Achievable
• Realistic
• Time-based
Time Management 8
• Do
• Delegate
• Delay
• Delete

Time Management 9

1. Address the urgent

2. Accomplish what you can early
3. Attach deadlines to things you delay

Time Management 10

Time Management 11
Learn when to say “NO”
• You can’t do
• Don’t undertake things
you can’t complete
• Remain consistent to
your goals

Time Management 12
Use your waiting time

• On public transportation
• At the doctor’s office
• Waiting for your plane
• On hold
• When you are early
Time Management 13
Use your waiting time


Letters or memos

Books or tapes

Time Management 14
Concentrate on the task at hand

• Focus on your goal

• Tune out interruptions

Time Management 15
Consider your personal prime time

• Morning?
• Evening?
• Late night?

Time Management 16
Celebrate your success

Time Management 17
• Set goals
• Prioritize
• Organize
• Learn when to say “NO”
• Use your waiting time
• Concentrate on the task at hand
• Consider your personal prime time
• Celebrate success

Time Management 18
The Big Rocks of Life

Time Management 19

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