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Child Rights

Free and compulsory education to all children of India in the 6 to 14 age group including differently-abled children differentlyAdmission will be done in the class appropriate to the age of the child. In such cases that child have right to receive special child. coaching. coaching. No child shall be screened, held back, expelled, or required to pass a board examination until completion of elementary education (up to class 8). On completion of elementary education he/ she shall be awarded a certificate which should contain cumulative record of the child specifying the achievements beyond the prescribed course like music, dance, literature, sports, etc. etc. A child has right to complete elementary education in his/her mother tongue. tongue.

Responsibilities of Schools & Teachers

Schools established, owned or controlled by the Govt. or a Govt. local authority shall provide free & compulsory education to all children in the neighborhood areas. areas.  Schools receiving aid or grants from the Govt. or local Govt. authority shall provide free & compulsory education to such number of children as grant received. The school may received. provide Free education to rest of the enrolled children. children.  Schools belonging to specific category and un-aided schools unshall enroll at least 25% of the total seats of class-1 children 25% classbelonging to weaker & disadvantaged section in the neighborhood and provide free & compulsory education till its completion. completion.  If preschool facility is available in any schools the same norm is applicable. applicable.

No capitation and screening procedure for admission. For admission. collection of capitation fees, the extent of fine is 10 times of the capitation fee collected. For screening, the extent fine is collected. Rs. 25000/ Rs. 25000/- for 1st contravention and Rs. 50000/- for each Rs. 50000/ subsequent contravention. contravention. No child shall be denied to take admission for lack of age proof. proof. Admission will be done in the beginning of the academic year but no child cannot be denied at any time of the year to get admission. admission. If the child is admitted middle of the year, he/she has rights to receive special coaching to be at par with others. others. No corporal punishment in schools. On contravention, schools. disciplinary actions will be taken against the teacher as per service rule. rule. Fixed Norms & Standards for a school

Norms & Standards for a school

Class 1st to 5th Up to 60 61 to 90 91 to 120 121 to 200 above 150 Above 200 6th to 8th At least 1 teacher per class at least 1 teacher per 35 children For schools more than 100 children 1 full time HM and Part time instructors for Art Education Health Education Work Education Student 2 3 4 5 5 + 1 HM PTR shall not exceed 40 Teacher

Norms & Standards for a school

Building  At least one classroom per teacher and 1 office - store - HM room  Barrier free access  Safe and adequate drinking water facility to all children  Separate toilet for boys & girls  Kitchen for MDM  Playground, School boundary wall or fencing Teaching Learning Equipments: Shall be provided to each class Equipments: as required Library: Library: There shall be a library in each school providing News papers, Magazines, and books on all subjects including story books Playing materials, Games and Sports Equipments: Shall be Equipments: provided to each class as required

Norms & Standards for a school Working days/hours

For Class 1 to 5  200 working days per annum  800 instructional hours per annum For Class 6th to 8th  220 working days per annum  1000 instructional Hours per annum For Teachers  Minimum 45 teaching hours including preparation per week

After commencement of the Act, no school shall be established without recognition. For recognition the school recognition. has to fulfill the norms and standards. On contravention, standards. recognition of the school will be withdrawn with a direction to the school to admit the students in neighboring school. school. In case a school is established before commencement of the Act and does not fulfilling the norms and standards shall take steps to fulfill it within 3 years of the commencement of the Act on its own expenses. Where a school fails to fulfill the expenses. norms & standards within the time period, recognition of the school will be withdrawn with a direction to the school to admit the students in neighboring school. school. In case a school is running without recognition or after withdrawal of recognition shall be liable to fine extent up to Rs. 100000/ Rs. 100000/- and in case continuing contravention to a fine of Rs. 10000/ Rs. 10000/- per day for the days contravention continues. continues.

Every school except unaided & private schools must have a school management committee. committee. The committee will consist of elected members of the local authority (GP), teachers and parents out of which threethreefourth will be parents which will be proportionate to the Nos. Nos. of children of weaker and backward sections. 50% of sections. 50% the total members must be females. females. The committee will review the activities of the school and prepare the action plan for the school. school. Funds will be allocated to the school as per the plan made by school management committee. committee.

Teachers should be recruited on the basis of appropriate degrees/ qualifications to be fixed by the Central govt (NCTE) If a teacher recruited before the commencement of the Act does not possess the appropriate degree he/she has to get it within 5 years of commencement of the Act. Act. Duties of a Teacher


Maintain regularity and punctuality in attending school Conduct the curriculum and complete within the specified time Assess the learning ability of each child and supplement additional instruction accordingly Hold regular meeting with parents and guardians and apprise them about attendance, learning ability, progress and other relevant information about their child No Private Teachings/ Tuitions On contravention disciplinary action will be taken

Responsibility of Local Authority


Free & compulsory education to all children of 6 to 14 age. age. Ensure availability of neighborhood school Maintain records of children up to age of 14 residing within its jurisdiction. jurisdiction. Ensure that child belonging to weaker section & disadvantaged groups are not discriminated in getting free & compulsory education and admission of children from migrant families. families. Ensure & monitor admission, attendance & completion of elementary education by every child within its jurisdiction. jurisdiction. Monitor functioning of schools within its jurisdiction and decide the academic calendar. calendar. Provide infrastructure including school building, teaching staff, and learning materials. materials. Ensure good quality elementary education conforming to the norms & standards prescribed in the Act. Act.

Responsibility of State Government



Provide free & Compulsory education to all children with the age group of 6 to 14 years. years. Establishment of neighborhood school for every children within 3 years of commencement of the Act Ensure the pupil-teacher ratio as per the norm and standard of pupila school within 6 month of the commencement of the Act. Act. Development of mother-tongue based curriculum motherNot to deploy Teachers in any non-educational purposes nonother than Population Census, Relief for Natural Disaster and Election Works. Works. Ensure that vacancy of teachers should not exceeds 10 % of the total teachers post Share financial responsibility with the Central Government. Government. THANK YOU

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