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Gold Rush

Kristóf Emőke
Koppány Emma

Pusztai Réka
Szegedy Dóri
New Words/Phrases

• Gold seekers-aranyásók • Folks-emberek

• Supplies-kellékek • Corresponded-leveleztek
• Strike it rich-meggazdagodni • Hardship-nehézség
• Miners-bányászok • Malnuitron-alultápláltság
• Flocked-vonultak • Avalanche-lavina
• Routes-útvonal • Terrain-terep
• Overland-szárazföldi
August, 1896 -> Skookum Jim and his family found gold in
Canada's Yukon Territory

Nearby miners immediately flocked to the Klondike

 A wave of gold seekers bought supplies and boarded ships in


They headed north thinking they would strike it rich.

Migration North to Alaska
Which Route to Take?
Miners faced several routes to the Klondike

Some chose the all water or "rich man's route."

Sailing around Alaska and up the Yukon river was easy, but expensive.

 Some stampeders tried walking the entire way with one of the overland routes
-> Folks taking some of these routes arrived two years after everyone else.

Other stampeders tried crossing the glaciers near Yakutat and Valdez. In a sea
of icy towers, many of these people got lost or went snow blind.
Newspaper Archives
The gold seekers corresponded with their families and the letters
were in the news sometimes.
Gold Rush Photographs and Diaries
Photographs and diaries from the Klondike offer insight into the day-
today experiences of gold seekers.
The Dark Side
There were murders and suicides, disease and malnutrition, and
deaths from hypothermia, avalanche, and possibly even heartbreak.
The Chilkoot Trail was the toughest on men -> pack animals could
not be used easily on the steep slopes
Until the tramways gold seekers had to carry everything on their
 The White Pass Trail was the animal-killer
 More than 3,000 animals died on this trail; many of their
bones still lie at the bottom on Dead Horse Gulch.
End of the Gold Rush
By midsummer of 1898 there were
18,000 people at Dawson
By August -> many of the miners
had started for home
The great Klondike Gold Rush
ended as suddenly as it had begun.
Dyea disappeared.
California Gold Rush
California Gold Rush
• The California Gold Rush was sparked by the discovery of gold
nuggets in the Sacramento Valley
• It was arguably one of the most significant events to shape American

• Thousands of prospective gold miners traveled by sea or over land to

San Francisco and the surrounding area

• By the end of 1849, the non-native population of the California

territory was some 100,000.
California Gold Rush
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