Banda Transportadora Polos Lógicos Teoria de Control

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Teacher: Ing. Diego Valladolid Matter: Control theory

Members: Segarra Hernan, Chungata Stalin, Gomez Dayanna, Lucero Josue, Quito Micaela

● Introduction
● Objectives
● Methodology
○ Ziegler and Nichols
○ PID controller
● Simulations
○ Arduino
● Results/Annexes
● Conclusions
● Recommendations
● Bibliography

The following presentation presents the project topic: "Implementation of a PID Controller in a
Conveyor Belt", the objectives that were taken into account for the proposal of the preliminary project
are also raised, as well as the development of this in which, They detail the antecedents, justification,
theoretical framework and the literature of the project; In addition, the results that are expected to be
obtained and the methodology with which it will be carried out according to the schedule of activities
carried out are displayed. Finally, the conclusions and the bibliography are developed.
General objective:
• Design and build an automatic speed control for a conveyor belt that allows objects to be
transported and effectively guide them towards the end of the process regardless of the weight
they carry. This objective is focused on the industry and to achieve it, use will be made of
everything learned in the field of Control Theory.

Specific objectives:
• Build a prototype conveyor belt for the application of this project.
• Obtain the mathematical model experimentally.
• Design and implement the PID control of the speed of the conveyor belt, with the help of the
necessary electronic circuitry and the appropriate programming.
• Add improvements with respect to the theses previously made.

Mathematical model used by Ziegler

The Ziegler-Nichols method allows you to
empirically adjust or "tune" a PID
controller, without the need to know the
equations of the plant or controlled

Block diagram simulation

This is our transfer function calculated by programming in
matlab using the Ziegler & Nichols method
This graph shows from the time in which the unit step is
applied until the time in which it stabilizes

The green lines

Indicates Tangent, mean of the maximum stabilization
power, stabilization time and the other the time in which
the unit step is applied

The Y axis represents the velocities for the blue and

black graph but for the red graph it represents the
power delivered to the motor

The X axis represents time for all spellings


Blue line
step This helps us to get
response the model out of the
It is the amount of
Red line power applied to the
step motor at any given
time that causes it to
grow at system
Black line speed.
● The A's are the data, and these help me to get the values ​that I require in
the calculations
● The T is the time in which the data is being collected
● Y is the amplitude of the velocity
● U is the signal applied to the system
● X0 and x1 are the points that help us to form the tangent

The plots are the graphs of our system

● From the starting point
● Tangent graph
● Maximum point graph
● Stabilization time graph
These graphs are based on x0 y0 and x1 y1

What follows is the mathematics of Ziegler &

In this we have the change in speed, the change
in power and according to this we take the
constant K and then the theta time and the tao
time and with this we apply the transfer function
Arduino Application

Arduino interface

To start working with

arduino we first connect our
system to the computer

For this within the arduino

interface we go to the
TOOLS section and select
PORTS in this case our
system was on port
Number 8

Arduino Application
Arduino Application
Arduino Application
Arduino Application
Arduino Graph

The Red signal is the motor power, from 0 to 100 the Arduino programming from
0 to 255 works in the PW range but it is graphed from 0 to 100 so that the power
that is sent to the motor can be understood. moves is the signal speed registered
by the incore

Depending on our controller it makes it slow or fast

As it is in a direct current system, the response is fast, compared to a
temperature system since it has to decrease or increase the temperature which
makes it slow
Arduino Graph


sensed by
(Real speed)


● When it has more weight it will make the engine work more and if it does not have a controller the
serious result that the belt works slowly and that in an industrial process is critical since it is made
slow the times that the others are made do not match processes, that's why the pid controller is
used a lot
● A PID controller is a control mechanism that through a feedback loop allows to regulate the speed,
temperature, pressure and flow among other variables of a process in general. The PID controller
calculates the difference between our real variable against the desired variable
● The project carried out is of great importance, because we show an industrial process with the
realization of a conveyor belt that is controlled by the PID that in this case we use an arduino
microcontroller. We show how the motor feels that the weight increases in the conveyor belt, the
PID controller compensated for this loss of speed by sending more power and when the weight
decreases, regulating the same initial speed but lowering the engine power.
● Controlling the speed by means of a digital control requires the handling of the PWM module.

• It is important to mention that there is a thesis related to the project carried

out, however, we managed to make an improvement of it by changing what
they do in the thesis to accelerate or brake the engine. Basically we change
the part where the voltage is raised or lowered by turning the motor off or on
for milliseconds, in this way we do not lose power.

For those interested in carrying out a conveyor belt project, we can

recommend the development of a longer belt in order to allow a better
visualization of the speed control.

It is recommended to set the limits of the pwn within the programming as a

maximum of 255 as power and a minimum limit of 200 because the inertia of
the motor that was used is not broken, however in the visual part of the
analysis the pwn has to be divided to 2.55 to display 0-100% for a better
understanding of power.

● Gaviño, R. H. (2010). Introducción a los sistemas de control. Naucalpan

de Juárez: Pearson Educación de México.

● Ogata, Katsuhiko, Ingeniería de control moderna; 5ta. edición, Pearson;

Madrid, 2010.

● Valdivia M, Carlos., Sistemas de control continuos y discretos; 1ra

edición, Paraninfo, Madrid 2012.

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