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Expression of Intention

An expression of intention to state our plan or

something intended to do in the future.
(untuk menyatakan rencana atau sesuatu yang akan
dilakukan di masa depan.)
There are some expressions to state our intention
and each of them has different uses

1. Would like
 Would like is used to say politely about what you want, especially when making offers
and requests.
 Would like is used to talk about dreams and ambitions.

Subject + would like + to V1 + Object /Complement

a. I would like to make you a cup of coffee, would you like it ?
b. I would like to swim in the new swimming pool.
2. Will
Will is used to say a new decision or plan that the
thought has just come into our head . ( spontan)
(Plans decided at the moment of speaking).

Subject + will + V1 + Object/Complement

Example :
a. That bag is too heavy, I will help you.
b. I will do it for you.
3. To be going to
To be going to is used to say when you have intentions to do something before
you speak. You have already made a decision before speaking.
( untuk mengatakan ketika Anda memiliki niat untuk melakukan sesuatu sebelum
Anda berbicara)

Subject + is/am/are + going to + V1 + object/Complement

a. I bought some wood because I am going to build a bookcase.
b. We are going to send a message for you tomorrow
4. Would rather
Would rather is used to decide a preference when making a choice among
different option.
(untuk memutuskan pilihan ketika membuat pilihan di antara opsi yang

Subject + would rather + V1 + than + V1

Example :
a. She would rather play tennis than sit here.
b. I would rather stay at home than go
Perhatikan contoh-contoh expressing intention sebagai berikut:

He will …. (Dia akan)

I am going to …. (Aku akan melakukan)
I am planning to …. (Aku berencana untuk)
I am thinking of …. (Aku memikirkan tentang)
I fully intended to …. (Aku sangat ingin melakukan)
Maybe I will …. (Mungkin aku akan)
I would like to …. (Aku ingin melakukan)
 Berikut adalah contoh expressing intention untuk menanyakan sebuah
rencana atau niat kepada orang lain.

 Will you go fishing with me in the lake? (Maukah kamu pergi

memancing denganku di danau?)
 We are going to practice tennis this afternoon (Kami akan berlatih
tenis sore ini)
 What would you like to do? (Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan?)
 What are you doing tonight? (Apa yang kamu lakukan malam ini?)
 What will you do in the summer? (Apa yang akan kamu lakukan di
musim panas?)
A: Could you buy me some meat and vegetables?
B: Sure. What are you going to do with them?
A: I’m planning to cook vegetables and meat stir fry
B: what is that for?
A: I want to give it to my mom. She really likes meat and vegetables.
So, i intend to cook for her.
B: Wow, that’s cool. OK, I’ll buy them for you.
A: Thanks a lot!
Contoh Soal 1
A: What would you like to do after you graduate from school
B: I would like to take undergraduate program on law
A: Are you going to prepare yourself as a lawyer?
B: Yes, I love studying law. I would like to become a good lawyer.
A: What a nice goal you have
B: Thank you. What About you?
A: Well I am going to apply for English program. I want to be a teacher
B: Wow that’s cool.
1. What is the expression of telling intenton found in the dialog?
2. What is the expression of asking for intention found in the dialog?
Contoh Soal 2
A: What would you like to do this weekend?
B: I have no idea about it. What are you going to do?
A: I am going to vacation with my family.
B: That’s awesome. I hope i can go with you.
A: Well, Would you like to come with me and my family?
B: Are you sure?
A: Yes, the more the merrier, right?
B: I think I would enjoy the vacation.
1. What is the expression of asking for intention found in the dialog?
2. What is the expression of telling intenton found in the dialog?

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