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Title: “I AM (a word or a phrase)”

I understand (something you know to
  be true)
I am (two special characteristics you have) I say (something you believe in)
I wonder (something you’re actually be I dream (something you actually dream
curious about) about)
I hear (an imaginary or actual sound) I try (something you make an effort to
I see (an imaginary or actual sight) do)
I want (a desire) I hope (something you hope for)
I am (the first line of the poem is repeated) I am (the first line of the poem is
I pretend (something you actually pretend to (scoring: content/message – 15pts.
do) delivery/emotions – 15pts. = 30pts.)
I feel (something imaginary)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something that really worries you)
I cry (something that makes you sad)
I am (the first line of the poem is repeated)
“I AM POEM” (sample)
I am Sensible Oblivious
by: Soccerjun 1:25
I am passionate and life-giving
I wonder why the worst of
times bring out the best in
I hear the voices deep within
I see a beautiful life because I
never stop wandering
I want to live in peace
I am passionate and life-giving
I am Sensible Oblivious
I pretend that I am strong for the joys and
pains of my life journey
I feel renewed, refreshed, and
reinvigorated because the Lord has
generously gifted me
I touch God’s creation that never fails to
surprise me
I worry a lot but my worries were outdone
by my happiness
I cry because I don’t deserve the pains and
betrayal but God’s love is so perfect
I am passionate and life-giving
I am Sensible Oblivious

I understand that I have to wait because if

waiting is pain then pain is worth having
I say I lose our humanity now when we care
more for our material possessions than
our neighbors
I dream a lot because I have seen so much,
endured so much, and loved so much
I try to go alone and follow my quest
without looking back
I hope I can find my special purpose here on
earth and I can love… ‘til the last drop
I am passionate and life-giving
Things to remember”
Find time to be alone and immerse yourself or
reflect the qualities you have before
making/doing this activity.
Write a poem about yourself. Follow the given
template or guide. DEADLINE: December 8, 2021
(Scoring: content/message – (15pts.);
Organization, choice of words, spelling –
(15pts.) = 30pts.
*Scoring Rubric/criteria is based on the
modified rubric for POEM in the next slide.

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