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20th Century Thermodynamic Modeling of Automotive

Prime Mover Cycles

P M V Subbarao
Mechanical Engineering Department

Respect True Nature of Substance…..

Real engine cycle effects
3 Air-standard cycle Actual cycle departure from
a Fuel-air cycle:
Fuel-Air cycle
• Irreversibility in various
3` Actual cycle processes
• Effect of finite duration of
• Leakages from the engine
• Heat losses from cylinder
2` 4
• Finite time needed for
• Effects due to real valve
Fuel Air cycle takes in account the chemical
equilibrium effects, mixture effects and specific Further:
heat variation with temperature effect • Pumping losses
• Frictional losses
Real cycle characterized by advanced modelling
techniques or real engine measurements Problem solving in this course:
Fuel-Air cycle
True Phenomenological Model for Isentropic
Second order Property Model:
  T2  cv , 2 2 cv ,3 3 
cv ,0 ln   cv ,1 T2  T1     2
T2  T1   
T2  T1   R ln r 

  T1  2 3 
First order Property Model: k  T  T   b ln T2   R lnr 
1 2 1 v  
 T1 
• Ready for combustion:
• In a combustion reaction, bonds are being broken and formed
between different atoms in molecules.
• The parts of the molecules that undergo bond breakage and
formation need to line up with each other.
• There needs to be the appropriate overlap in the orbitals that are
"donating" and "accepting" electrons.
• The probability of occurrence of appropriate overlap is
proportional to temperature of reacting molecules.
Collision Theory

• Collision theory says that ”in order for a chemical reaction to

happen, three separate things need to happen” :
• 1. The molecules have to hit each other
• 2. The molecules have to hit each other in the right way (both
have to be facing the right way)
• 3. The molecules have to hit each other with enough speed
(energy of motion, or "kinetic energy") to activate the reaction.

Number of successful collisions  Frequency of collisions  Time

available for collision.
Phenomenological Modeling of Combustion

• Engineering Objective of Combustion:

• To Create Maximum Possible Temperature through conversion
of free energy into microscopic kinetic energy.

Thermodynamic Strategy for conversion:

Constant temperature combustion
Constant volume combustion
Constant pressure combustion
Otto’s Strategy : Premixed, Homogeneous

2—3 Complete combustion at constant

volume , without heat loss.

2—3 : Loss of Purity of Substance

R2  R3
Formation of Fossil Fuels
Sorry !!! We Don’t Know How To Use
Crudes !!!
Sorry !!! We Don’t Know How To Produce What we
Precisely Need !!!


• Refinery Gas <25oC 3
• Gasoline 40-150oC 4-10
• Naptha 150-200oC 10-12
• Kerosene 200-300oC 12-16
• Diesel Fuel 300-400oC 16-25
• Residual Oil >400oC >25
Other components of Selected Gasoline

Name of Hydro-
carbon Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Ethanol 13.40% 12.10% 10.20%

2-methyl-pentane 10.20% 4.50% 4.50%

Hexane 0% 2.10% 0%

Benzene 0% 0% 7%

Toluene 0% 0% 8.20%

pentane 5.50% 3.70%   0%

Fuel Model & Ideal Combustion

• Ultimate Analysis of fuel: Gravimetric

• Percentage of carbon : x --- Number of moles, X = x/12
• Percentage of hydrogen : y --- Number of atomic moles, Y =
• Percentage of oxygen: k --- Number of atomic moles, K =
• Percentage of sulfur: z – Number of atomic moles, Z = z/32
• Equivalent chemical formula : CXHYSZOK
• Equivalent Molecular weight : 100 kg.

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