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Chapter 4

Types of Computers
Types of Computers
1. Supercomputers
2. Mainframe Computers
3. Minicomputers
4. Microcomputers
Types of Computers cont…
1. Supercomputers
- most powerful computers in terms of
performance & processing
- used for specialized tasks by large
- very expensive & large in size
- used for research and exploration
Types of Computers cont…
Supercomputers cont...
- Like NASA uses supercomputers for
launching space shuttles, controlling them
and for space exploration purpose
- e.g. TITAN Supercomputer by Cray company
Types of Computers cont…
2. Mainframe Computers
- Less powerful than Supercomputers
- Also quite expensive
- many large firms & government
organizations use them for their business
Types of Computers cont…
Mainframe Computers cont...
- kept in large air-conditioned rooms
because of their size
- have large data storage capacity
- used by banks, airlines & insurance
companies etc
- e.g. Fujitsu’s by ICL company
Types of Computers cont…
3. Minicomputers
- used by small businesses & firms
- Less powerful than Mainframes
- Each minicomputer is used by multiple users
- Individual departments of a large company
use Minicomputers for specific purposes.
E.g. Admin dept keeps personal records of
employees, Accounts dept keeps information
about salaries of employees
- TI-990 of Texas Instruments
Types of Computers cont…
• Smallest in size & cheapest in price, widely
• Types of microcomputers: Desktop
computers, laptops & smart phones
• specially designed for general usage like
entertainment, education & small businesses
• Well known manufacturers of
microcomputers are Dell, IBM-PC, Apple, etc

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