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Unit -3A

Disinfection of water

Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon

When water comes out of filter unit it looks clean and clear, free
from turbidity. but it may contain pathogenic bacteria and
microorganism. if not disinfected chances of water borne diseases
among the consumers.
• Disinfectant is a substance that is used for disinfection of water.
Requirements of disinfectants
• It should be effective in killing the bacteria and micro orgasms.
• Should be available at reasonable cost.
• It should be safe and easy to store, transport, handle and apply.
• Residual concentration must be determined easily, quickly.
• It should act rapidly & should not change the quality of water.
• Disinfectant should not be toxic to humans and animals.
• It should be able to maintain some residual concentration, against
recontamination , after disinfection is over.
Methods of Disinfection
• Physical methods
a) Disinfection by heat – boiling
b) Disinfection by light – sunlight it is natural
• Chemical methods
a)Oxidising chemicals – chlorine, bromine , iodine,
ozone, potassium permanganate and hydrogen
b) Alkalis and acids – pathogenic bacteria do not
survive in highly alkaline(pH >11) or highly acidic(pH
3) waters.
• Out of various methods of disinfection chemical methods
are most commonly used. And chlorine has become
universal disinfectant due its many advantages.
• Chlorine is an element having atomic weight of 35.45.In
Gaseous Cl2 is greenish yellow in colour and is 2.5 times
heavier than air.
• When Cl2 is added to water at temperature of 10 to 100
C , it reacts to form hypochlorus and hydrochloric acid.
Cl2 + H2O ↔ HOCl +OCl –

HOCl ionizes to, HOCl ↔ H+ + OCl-

Chlorine is available in water in three form i) elemental
chlorine ii) HOCl and iii) OCl- , individuals conc depends on
Factors affecting Efficiency of Disinfection
• Nature and concentration of organism.
• Nature and concentration of disinfectant.
• Temperature of water
• Time of contact
• Nature of water to disinfected
• pH of water
pH value Amount of HOCl (hypochlorous acid
Upto 6.7 95 % of total free chlorine
At 7 80 % of total free chlorine
At 8 35 % of total free chlorine
At 9 5 % of total free chlorine
• Nature of physical agent
• Chlorine and chlorine compounds by virtue of
their oxidising power, first reacts with organic
and inorganic compounds present in water.
• The amount of chlorine consumed in the
oxidation of these impurities, before any
disinfection is achieved, is known as chlorine
• It is the difference between the amount of
chlorine added to water and quantity of free
available chlorine remaining at the end of a
specified time.
Forms of Chlorination

• Plain chlorination
• Pre chlorination
• Post chlorination
• Re chlorination
• De chlorination
• Double or multiple chlorination
• Super chlorination
• Break point chlorination

The point in the curve at which

All destructible chloramines and
chloro-organic compounds are
decomposed and free residual
chlorine begins to appear is
called as break point
chlorination. At this point all or
Nearly all, the residual chlorine is
Free chlorine.

Advantages of break point chlorination-

1) removes taste and odour from water.
2) Desired residual chlorine will be remained.
3) it will remove organic matter and Mn.
4) It will complete the oxidation of ammonia and other compounds.

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