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Our Vi s i o n is elevate Educational standards

across the Globe through Digitalization of

“Educational Institutions Management”.

We l e v e r a g e t e c h n o l o g y f o r r e l e n t l e s s a u t o m a t i o n

in accordance with Institutional practices, further

helping management to enhance learning quality

at their Institutions.
EduSys ERP is innovatively built with Global

Standards and it provides extremely efficient,

systematic, comprehensive and user-friendly

Solutions for Pre-K, K-12, High Schools

a n d C o l l e g e s o f a n y I n s t i t u t i o n Ty p e s :

 A u t o n o m o u s OR A f f i l i a t e d

 N a t i o n a l OR I n t e r n a t i o n a l

 Public OR G o v e r n m e n t

 I n d e p e n d e n t OR P r i v a t e
EduSys is an all-in-one Institutional Management software built

with latest technologies for efficient processing and hosted on

cloud environment for all time availability. It’s robustly designed

to perform at top gear for governments, townships, private

institutions and educational groups where there is a need to

manage multiple institutions under a single controlled

environment. It has every feature a typical institution ever needs

and also has scalable potential as per any unique requirements for

special features.
 User Friendly Screens  H e l p Te x t a n d Vi d e o s
 In-Built Customizations  Role Based Access Control
 2 4 / 7 Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t  Uncompromised Data Security
 SAAS based Pricing Model  Complete Control on Campus

 Shared/Dedicated Cloud Hosting

 Quick Setup ( Maximum 2 Hours )
 Effective & Secured Communication
 Readily Scalable for new requirements
 Reasonable Application Learning Curve
 Android and IOS Mobile Accessibility
 Dashboard data representation
 Paperless Ecosystem
 Low Cost Operations
 24/7 campus command centre
 Efficient Campus Management
 Personalized Access Levels
 Secured encrypted communications
 Tr a n s p a r e n c y i n a u t o m a tio n p r o c e s s e s
 Customized Reporting
• Attendance • Petty Cash
• Placement • U s e r Wa l l e t

• Android & IOS Mobile Access

• P ar en t Te ac h e r M e et in g s
• Integrated Report Cards
• Role Based User Access
• Online Student Admissions
• Customizable Fee Structure

• Accounts • Dormitory
• Examination • Tr a n s p o r t at io n
Inventory Management Automated Timetable
Ticket Management
Academic Grading
Staff Registrations
Bulk Data Loads
Lead Management
Job Portal C a m p u s We b s i t e

Digital Diary
HR Module
Campus Calendar
Staff Module
Parent Module Payroll Processing

Student Module Leave Management

Food Management
Library Management
 Affordable Pricing

 Student Promotions in a Jiff

 Historic Academic Performances Tracking

 Automatic Data Backups

 Personalized look & feel

 Consolidated Processing Power

 Management from Anywhere & At Anytime

Customization is at the core in EduSys

and it is built seamless to be highly

scalable and flexible. It is architected

with guidance from best educational

practitioners and a need for customization

availed in a snap.

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