Ethnicity and Multiculturalism

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in

Multiculturalism and Governance

‘Ethnicity and Multiculturalism in Ethiopia

(Reflection on Practices, Pitfalls and Opportunities)’

By Henok Nigussie
December, 2021
 Introduction
 Ethnicity & Multiculturalism
• Multicultural Recognition & Multiple
• Majority Members & Multiculturalism
• Multiculturalism & Minority Identity
 The Practices, pitfalls and opportunities of
Ethnicity & Multiculturalism in Ethiopia
 Recommendations
1. Introduction
 Ethnicity has become so visible in many
societies that it has become impossible to ignore.
 Multi-nation states have proven unable to create
or sustain any strong sense of solidarity across
ethno national lines (Kymilicka 2001).
 Ethiopia is a country with more than 80 ethno-
cultural groups who live together (Semela,
 Most of the armed conflicts in the world in
1991, depicted as ethnic conflicts (Jinadu,
 Nation-building, political cohesion and
national identity, are the top political agenda in
 Ethnicity is typically not the driving force of
 Due to the fact, the demand for a multicultural
response to the claims for diversity has attracted
policy makers.
 Some of the reactions of states are,
• Official recognition of languages, cultural exemption rights,

• cultural exchange programs, special representation rights, and

• self-government privileges (Mahajan, 2002).

 Ethnicity is a multidisciplinary approach (Erikson,

2. Ethnicity & Multiculturalism
 The word 'ethnicity' is derived from the old
Greek term 'ethnos' meant heathen or savage,
and denoted cultural outsiders (Sollors 1986,
Fitzgerald 1992).
 'Ethnicity' is a theory for understanding the
dynamics, complexities and ambiguities of
group identity and social organization (Eller,
 There are various perspectives on ethnicity, such
• Primordialist- it is established at birth

• Instrumentalist - ethnic identity can be

• Constructivist - built from social interactions
 Ethnicity is not simply a matter of shared
 Barth's work has shifted the study of ethnic
differences from the study of cultural content
to the study of the interaction processes.
 For ethnicity to come about, the groups must
have a minimal contact between them, and
they must entertain ideas of each other as being
culturally different from themselves (Blom,
 Barth's theory was neglected, underexplored, and
overemphasized; multiple identities & power relations.
 Ethnicity is not a single social phenomenon but a
family of related but analytically distinct
 Contacts between ethnic groups lead to the
exchange of cultural characteristics, mutual
2.1 Multicultural Recognition &
Multiple Identities
 The term "multiple identities" describes other
terms such as "dual identity" and "bicultural
identity" (Deaux & Verkuyten, 2014).
 A dual identity affirms the distinctiveness of
ethnic minority identity in the context of a
shared sense of belonging with the broader
society and also involves identity performances
 2.2 Majority Members & Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism is perceived as a philosophy
that is irrelevant to the majority population.
They are also expected to endorse it (Joppke,
When multiculturalism is perceived as a challenge,
negative interactions can arise (Taylor’s (1992).
Multiculturalism is towards learning about and
2.3 Multiculturalism & Minority Identity
A strong group identity necessitates public
acceptance and recognition of one's tribe and
A multicultural approach gives social validation
and rationale for asserting ethnic identity
It is important to make diversity policies relevant
to the majority by emphasizing potential benefits
3. Practices, pitfalls & opportunities
Ethnicity & multiculturalism in
3.1 The Practices of Ethnicity &
Multiculturalism in Ethiopia
Since 1991, ethnicity has been at the center of
Ethiopian politics, government structures, and
even the social system.
The country's states are divided on
an ethnic basis, with most people living in the
region or zone where their ethnicity is the
The Practices of Ethnicity…
 Intra-state conflicts that involve ethnic groups
have become common. Eg. Guji and Gedeo
 Ethiopia's constitution, Article 39 - recognizes
unconditional right to self determination.
 The nation-building effort created a strong
feeling of ethnic nationalism, which spawned
separatist armed national movements.
3.2 Pitfalls of Ethnicity & multiculturalism
Practice in Ethiopia
In most of the regional states, there were ample
reports of internal displacement, ethnic
cleansing and marginalization of minorities
The "national question" has not been settled and
ethnic disputes are not vanished.
Ethno-nationalist media can be described as an
3.3 Opportunities of Ethnicity &
Multiculturalism in Ethiopia
Many Ethiopians have an ethnically mixed
heritage and shared sense of belonging with the
broader society.
Multiculturalism is assumed to promote
intercultural understanding among ethnicity.
In Ethiopian context, addressing diversity could
be a solution to strengthen unity of the nation.
Attention to internal minorities.
As stated in the country's policy texts, ethnic
groups' awareness of diversity should be
Establishing cultural centers and arranging
events that promote ethnic pride and dignity.
The media should be diversity focused in order

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