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Time Series Modeling Essentials

C o pyr igh t © SAS In sti t ute I nc . Al l ri ght s re s er ved .

Lesson 1 Introduction to Time Series
1.1 SAS Studio Introduction
1.2 Time Series Characteristics
1.3 Time Series Components
1.4 Autocorrelation and White Noise
1.5 Forecasting and Accuracy Assessment
1.6 Time Series Models
1.7 Solutions

C o pyr igh t © SAS In sti t ute I nc . Al l ri ght s re s er ved .
Lesson 2 Exponential Smoothing Models
2.1 Exponential Smoothing Models
2.2 Chapter Summary
2.3 Solutions

C o pyr igh t © SAS In sti t ute I nc . Al l ri ght s re s er ved .
Lesson 3 ARIMAX Models
3.1 ARIMA, ARMA, and Stationarity
3.2 Estimation of Autoregressive Parameters
3.3 ARMAX and Time Series Regression
3.4 Accuracy and Forecasting of ARIMAX
3.5 Solutions
3.6 Solutions
3.7 Chapter Summary

C o pyr igh t © SAS In sti t ute I nc . Al l ri ght s re s er ved .
Lesson 4 Unobserved Components Models
4.1 Introduction to Using Unobserved Components Models
4.2 Unobserved Components Models
4.3 Solutions

C o pyr igh t © SAS In sti t ute I nc . Al l ri ght s re s er ved .
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2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Prepared
C o pyr igh t © SAS In sti t ute I nc . Al l ri ght s re s er ved .

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