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Advantages and

Disadvatages of Massive
Open Online Courses
A.Y. 2019-2020
Background of the Study
With learners today earning more substantive credentials and, in some cases, academic credits
through MOOCs, the authors designed a study to investigate the benefits and costs to learners who
are engaging in a series of open, online courses that provide a culminating non-degree credential.

A massive open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any
person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. Massive open online course
(MOOC) is also a free Web-based distance learning program that is designed for the participation of
large numbers of geographically dispersed students. MOOC may be patterned on a college or
university course or may be less structured.
Unanswered question about MOOCs is whether they tangibly improve
educational or other outcomes for students. From the learner's perspective, courses
that charge no or very low fees are clearly appealing, but the investment of time and
effort still demands some sort of return—whether that's a credential, learning for the
joy of learning, networking in a chosen field, up- skilling toward a new job or
promotion, or preparing to embark on a formal degree.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, the study aims to ask the perspectives of Tayabas Western Academy Senior High
Instructors towards Massive Open Online Courses . It seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic data of Tayabas Western Academy Senior High Instructors?
1.1name (optional);
1.2 major;
1.3 Years of working experience;
2. What are the perspective of Tayabas Western Academy Senior High Instructors towards Massive
Open Online Courses in accordance of the following
2.1 Accessibility;
2.2 Usability;
2.3. Reliability;
3. What are the disadvantages and advantages MOOC in referral to the respondent’s frame
Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to analyze and determine the advantages and disadvantages
of massive open online course (MOOC) . It also aims to establish concrete results about MOOC’s
relevance and efficiency as a system to be applied for. Specifically it aims the following:
1.1 To determine the demographic profile of of Tayabas Western Academy Senior High
Instructors ;
1.2 To determine the disadvantages of massive open online course (MOOC) in (4) different
terms; usability, reliability ,efficiency and accessibility;
1.3 To establish massive open online course (MOOC) advantages and disadvantages for
equitable research outcome;
Significance of the Study

2. Parents

3. School or University Administration

4. Web Developers

5. Internet Providers

6. Future Researchers
The study will undergo in the following process in able for the researchers to
provide concrete results
1. Questionnaire

2. Survey/ Interview among the participants

3. Evaluation of Surveys

3. Statistical Analysis
MOOC-Based Alternative Credentials: What's the Value for the Learner? (2018, May 2).
Retrieved February 2, 2020, from
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). (2017, March 30). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from

Learning. (2018, February 5). Retrieved February 2, 2020, from

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