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Good Day Everyone!

Direction: Classify if the Following institutions are STATE institution

(SI) or Non-state Institution (NSI). Write your answer in your notebook.

1. Philippine Red Cross

2. Bangko sentral ng Pilipinas
3. jollibee Corporations
4. World Health Organization (WHO)
5. Department of Health (DOH)
At the end of our discussion , you are
expected to achieve the FF objectives.
Explain the forms and Functions of state and non-state.
a. Differentiate state and non-state institutions.
b. Identify the Forms and Functions of state institutions.
c. Determine the Forms and Functions of non-state institutions
d. Giving examples of state and non-state institutions.
What is state Institution?
State Institutions or Government Owned and Controlled Corperations
are institutions supposed to address market Failures and correct
imperfections. These market failures exist when the allocation of goods
and services of the Free marked are not efficient and leads to economic
loss valve. This is why some corporations are installed to protect the
economy and the pubic interest of the people.
Shown below are the group of GOCCs:

Cluster A- Financial Cluster B- Cluster C- Social,

Institution. Public Utilities , Cultural , Scientific.
Industrial , Area
Development ,
Agricultural ,
Cluster A- Financial Institution.

are institutions which the government directly or indirectly owns

majority of the capital stick.

Example: Bangko sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

Bangko sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

• It function as the Philippines’ central monetary

authority. Promarily, the BSP is tasked to provide policy
directons in the area of money, banking and credits. It
maintains price stability conducive to a balances and
sustainable growth of the economy and employment.
Cluster B- Public Utilities ,Industrial , Area
Development ,Agricultural , Trading.

Example: National Food Authority (NFA)

National Food Authority (NFA)

• -The institution is responsible for

ensuring the food security of, the
Philippines and the stability of supply and
price of the Staple-grain -vice.
Cluster C- Social,Cultural , Scientific
Example: Philippine Charity sweepstake office (PCSO)
Philippine Charity sweepstake office (PCSO)

This is a government owned and

controlled corporation mandated to raise
funds for health programs, medical
assistance and services and charities of
national characters. The raised collections
go to the President's Presidential social
Fund to improve the country & social.
What is Non-state Insitution?
- non-state institutions are institution and establishments which are
not owned and controlled by the government. These institutions are
free from the interference of any government actions.
Form of Non-state Institutions
1.banks and corporation
2. cooperative and trade unions
3. transnational advocacy groups
4. development agencies
5. international organizations

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