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Plasmodium vivax
Prepared by :
Shyaw ismahil
Lina Ghafur
Payam Ali
Hastyar khalid 2022-2023
• Definition of Plasmodium vivax
• Habitat of Plasmodium vivax
• Plasmodium vivax Characteristics
• How are Plasmodium transmitted
• Diagnosis
•Plasmodium is an intracellular sporozoan parasite causing malaria in
man. The parasite lives in the RBC’s and liver cells of man and
alimentary canal and salivary glands of female Anopheles mosquito

• There are different plasmodium varieties like P. vivax, P. malaria, and

P. falciparum

• Plasmodium vivax is a widely distributed protozoal parasite and a

human pathogen that is responsible for human malaria
Habitat of Plasmodium vivax

• The hotspots of Plasmodium Vivax are Asia, Latin America, and some
parts of Africa.
• A recent study showed that they mainly originated from wild
chimpanzees and gorillas throughout central Africa.
• This protozoal parasite is responsible for 65% of malaria cases in Asia
and South America.
• At lower temperatures, Plasmodium vivax can undergo sporogonic
development like Plasmodium falciparum.
• There are about 71 mosquito species of  Plasmodium vivax.
Plasmodium vivax Characteristics

• They performed anaerobic respiration.

• They follow both sexual and asexual reproduction.
• Their mode of nutrition is saprozoic, which occurs by osmotrophy.
• They required to host for the life cycle.
How are Plasmodium transmitted?

• Plasmodium vivax is a protozoal infection spread via the Anopheles

• Plasmodium completes its lifecycle in two hosts : Man and female
Anopheles mosquito.

1. Primary or definitive host:

•Female Anopheles mosquito is the primary host of Plasmodium in which
it completes its sexual life cycle.

2. Secondary or Intermediate host:

•Man is the secondary host of plasmodium in which it completes its
asexual life cycle.
• 1_Blood Smear
• Direct visualization of P. vivax parasites on Giemsa-stained blood
smears by light microscopy is considered the diagnostic gold standard
for the diagnosis of vivax malaria.
• 2_Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) RDTs detect one or more Plasmodium
antigens in the blood. They offer the benefit of being fast, resulting in
about 15 to 20 minutes.
• Treatment
• 1_Chloroquine phosphate
• 2_Primaquine phosphate

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