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Assessing Algorithmic
Performance And Correctness
Level 3 – Computing (Software Engineering)
Topic and Structure of the
1. Running-time of algorithms
2. Kinds of performance analyses
3. Asymptotic Analysis
4. Analysis of Insertion and Merge Sort
5. Correctness of algorithms
6. Group Exercise
- Analysis of Selection Sort
- Q&A on correctness of algorithms
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Running Time of Algorithms
• The running time of an algorithm can be
indicative of its efficient implementation (slide
14, Lecture 1)
• For example, the Merge Sort had a faster
running time as n increased than Insertion and
Selection sort.
• Running time depends on the input: an already
sorted sequence is easier to sort!
• We generally seek upper bounds on the running
time, because we want a guarantee that the
algorithm will run within a certain time frame.

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Learning Outcomes

• Apply O, Θ, Ω notation to the analysis of


• Prove the correctness of an algorithm

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Key Terms

1. Asymptote
2. Big O(O)
3. Theta(Θ)
4. Omega(Ω)

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Kinds of Performance Analyses
Worse-case: (usually)
• T(n) = maximum time of algorithm on any input
of size n.
Average-case: (sometimes)
• T(n) = expected time of algorithm over all
inputs of size n.
• Need assumption of statistical distribution of
Best-case: (bogus)
• Cheat with a slow algorithm that works fast on
some input.

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Asymptotic Analysis

• What if we looked at Insertion Sort’s worst-

case time?
– It would vary based on the speed of our
• relative speed (on the same machine)
• Absolute speed (on different machines)
– If we ignore machine-dependency, we can
look at the growth of T(n) as n ∞
• This is called Asymptotic Analysis
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Asymptotic Notation
• O – notation (upper bounds)
– f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exist constants c > 0,
n0 > 0 such that 0 ≤ f(n) ≤ cg(n) for all n ≥ n0.
– Example:2n2 = O(n3) (c = 1, n0 = 2)
• Ω – notation (lower bounds)
– Ω(g(n))= { f(n) : there exist constants c > 0,
n0 > 0 such that 0 ≤ cg(n) ≤ f(n) for all n ≥ n0 }
– Example: √n = Ω(lg n) (c = 1, n0 = 16)
• Θ – notation (tight bounds)
– Θ(g(n)) = O(g(n)) ∩ Ω(g(n))
– Example: ½ n2 – 2n = Θ (n2)
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Asymptotic Performance
When n gets large enough, a Θ(n2) algorithm
always beats a Θ(n3) algorithm.
• We should not ignore
asymptotically slower
algorithms, however.
• Real-world design
situations often call for
a balancing of
• Asymptotic analysis
is a useful tool to help
to structure our
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Correctness of Algorithms

Is “Sort the sequence {8, 1, 5, 3, 4}” a problem?

– No…it is a problem instance. The problem is
– A problem is a collection of problem instances
– An algorithm is correct for a problem instance if it
produces the correct answer for the instance
– An algorithm is correct for a problem if it is
correct for all instances of that problem.
– We want algorithms that are correct for
problems, not just problem instances.

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Correctness of Algorithms
How do we prove that an algorithm is correct?

• Induction
• Loop invariant
• Proof by contradiction

We can use a combination of these to prove

correctness. For example, to prove Merge Sort is
correct, we could use induction (for the recursion
portion) and loop invariant (for the loop portion).

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When can induction be used?

- Recursion
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Loop Invariant

When can loop invariant be used?

- Iteration
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Proof by Contradiction

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Correctness of Insertion Sort
for j ← 2 to n do
// Invariant 1: A[1..j-1] is a sorted
// permutation of the original A[1..j-1]
key ← A[j]
i ← j-1
while (i > 0 and A[i] > key) do
// Invariant 2: A[i .. j] are each >= key
A[i+1] ← A[i]
i ← i -1
A[i+1] ← key

• At the start of each iteration of the for loop,
the subarray A[1..j −1] consists of the
elements originally in A[1..j −1] and in
sorted order.
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Correctness of Insertion Sort
• Proof of Claim:
– initialisation: j = 2
– maintenance: j  j +1
– termination: j = n+1

• Loop invariant (LI) General Steps:

– Initialization: does LI hold 1st time through?
– Maintenance: if LI holds one time, does LI hold
the next?
– Termination #1: upon completion, LI implies
– Termination #2: does loop terminate?

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Correctness of Insertion Sort
Insert sort LI:
At start of for loop, keys initially in A[1..j−1] are in
A[1..j−1] and sorted.

• Initialization: A[1..1] is trivially sorted

• Maintenance: none from A[1..j] moves beyond j;
• Termination #1: upon completion, j = n+1 and by
LI A[1..n] is sorted
• Termination #2: for loop counter j increases by 1
at a time, and no change inside the loop
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Quick Review and Practice

• What do we mean by correctness of an

• What methods of proving correctness are

Develop a proof of correctness for the

Selection Sort. Decide what method you will use,
and go through the steps of the proof as we did for
Insertion Sort.
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Any Questions?

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1. Running-time of algorithms
2. Kinds of performance analyses
3. Asymptotic Analysis
4. Analysis of Insertion and Merge Sort

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Next Lesson

• Sorting techniques and analysis

– Computational Complexity
– Order of execution
– Best approach

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