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 correctness,
 logic,
 expediency,
 accuracy,
 expressiveness,
 clarity,
 ethics,
 aesthetics.
 In addition to linguistic correctness, it contains, first of all, a correct,
undistorted understanding of concepts, terms by which these concepts are
conveyed, their appropriate use, the connection of thoughts and concepts into a
single theory, clarity of presentation. The right question is one that prompts
thought and the search for truth. The correct answer is based on true
 the condition of the logic of speech is the logic of thinking, the logic of reasoning as stages of
thought development. The ability to discipline one's thinking, reason consistently, rely on
previous stages of thinking, develop the next, look for sources and causes of phenomena, put
forward statements (theses), give justifications and explanations of facts, motivate conclusions
- all these are necessary conditions for logical speech. and hence its high culture, because
without the culture of thinking there can be no culture of speech.
 Accuracy of speech is achieved by the ability to reconcile knowledge of the
material with knowledge of the language, ie to choose the most accurate form
of answer or story for a particular situation.

 Accuracy is one of the most important features of language culture. It keeps us

from talking too much. This feature consists of two components: adequate
linguistic expression of reality, ie consistent with life; and the use of words and
expressions common to speakers who possess the norms of this literary
 Clarity of language is defined as its intelligibility and is ensured by accuracy and logic. The
addressee's oral speech will be clear if his thinking catches up with the speaker's thinking, and
even better if he is a little ahead, that is, there will be an effect of waiting for the expected
discovery. In such a situation, the listener adequately "reads" what he hears, guesses that he
will continue to follow, and often says or thinks: "Clearly, I understood everything."
 The purity of language is perceived primarily as the absence of foreign elements in the
language. Elements foreign to the literary language include unexplored borrowings from other
languages, non-language forms that appear under the influence of other languages. Literary
language is littered not only with other people's words, but also with their vulgarities, insults,
everything that offends the educated language taste, human dignity and does not meet moral
 Diversity and richness of language can be considered one feature, because diversity is the
presence of heterogeneous in content, meaning, form, color units, and the richness of language
- is the presence in it of a number of differences. Under these concepts are understood various
thematic groups of vocabulary, rich synonymy

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