PRH-20220909-7478 Task 2 A

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Fire Safety

A fire safety checklist can assist
anybody is assessing in fire risks by
using these checklists a person can
ensure that all aspects of fire safety
are constantly evaluated and
improved as needed. Everyone
should educate themselves on the
importance of fire safety and how
they can promote it in their own
homes and workplaces by reading
relevant resources and attending
relevant educational events (Salari et
al., 2022). Any building or
organization should have a safety
Fire has been an important aspect in human life. But if it

isn't handled properly, it could cause serious problems

for people's health and safety, as well as for property and

the environment (Chrysikou et al., 2022). The well-being

of everyone present at this time and in the surrounding

area must be carefully considered at all times.

Importance of
Fires Are Faster Than Somebody Can Act

30 Sec 60 Sec 03 Mints

In less than three minutes, the

In 30 seconds it takes Fire is not noticed flames reached temperatures of
fire to spread within until the next 60 over 800 degrees Celsius. The fire
the blink of an eye, seconds. It spreads will have spread to adjacent rooms
until this time smoke quickly, exposing and consumed everything in the
detectors should start noxious smoke. immediate vicinity in three
alarming minutes.
Fire Safety In House
If you want to keep yourself and your loved
ones safe, fire safety in the home is a must.
Having a fire safety checklist can help you
protect your family and your house from danger
(Krechowicz and Piotrowski, 2021). Fire safety
A fire in a house can start by many factors checklists should be used in every space in the
which include electric incidents kitchen home to guarantee that no fire prevention
incidents and etc. measures are overlooked.
Four Basic Causes of A Fire In A House
1 2 3 4

On the second spot Heating is the third most

Kitchen is the leading cause
electricity/ electrical prevalent cause of fires,
of fire in a house. While Cigarettes and candles if not
appliances causes an following intentionally
cooking a lot of factors can put out, even a smallest
uncontrollable factor that is starting flames and
become cause of huge fire spark can creat a bigger
why switching off all electrical
which leads to a bigger disaster
devices when not in use is systems/equipment that
disaster if not taken care.
recommended highly provides illumination
Cooking Safety
 Towels as well as other flammable materials should be kept away from stovetops and ovens.

 To use, you must first remove the toaster from its hiding place in the cupboard and then clean up the crumb


 Whenever a device is not being used, turn it off.

 Warning: microwave ovens are not safe places for metal objects (Gabriel et al., 2020).

 Never leave anything cooking on the burner alone or unattended to while you are out of the kitchen.

 Use as little oil as possible when cooking. Instead of using a stovetop deep fryer, it is recommended to use an

electric deep-fat fryer with a thermostat.

 Do not add water to a fire or a smouldering pan; doing so could result in an explosion.
Electrical Safety
Always turn off the dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer before leaving the house or going to bed.
Take caution when using extending cords. Keep in mind the overall power consumption of each outlet. When using
an extension cord, never plug in a high-wattage appliance. This includes dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers.
Avoid the usage of adapters for block plugs.
Turn off appliances and electronics while not in use.
Always use the manufacturer-recommended charger when charging your smartphone. Try to find a flat, hard, and
fireproof surface to charge on.
Never leave a smartphone charging while you are away (Chrysikou et al., 2022).
Laptops should never be used on soft surfaces.
Heaters should never be covered, and garments should never be dried over them. Keep laundry away from the
radiator if you're drying it.
Fire Safety Checklist For The Workplace
If a workplace is carefully maintained and
managed, it is less likely to have any fire risks.
Precautions can be made if a few factors are kept
in mind
1. Safe And Unobstructed Exits
Both companies and employees have a tendency to overlook the
necessity of having clear exits. Before there is an actual emergency, 3. Testing fire alarms
the fire escape will not be available for use. They protect Once every six months, you should have
themselves and their coworkers from any potential dangers by your fire alarm inspected and tested by a
removing anything that could pose a threat from the exits trained specialist, as recommended by the
(Chrysikou et al., 2022). government. In addition to that, they
recommend that a "responsible person"
conduct testing once every seven days.
2. Fire extinguishers in the workplace
Immediately, users need to test the
In the event of a crisis, take precautions to ensure that the staff is
functionality of the alarm.
sufficiently safeguarded. In addition to this, it is essential to have
staff members on hand who have been given Fire Warden Training
and have successfully completed it.
7.Servicing and replacing fire extinguishers
4. Employees and fire precautions regularly
It's not enough for the fire marshals to know what to Maintenance and replacement of fire
do if a fire breaks out at work; everyone else needs to extinguishers are required on a regular basis. If
know the drill, too (Shqefni, 2022). This could be not, it may stop working just when someone
accomplished with the help of a Health and Safety really needs it.
orientation or Fire Awareness training for all new
employees. 8. Sectioned area for smokers
In the workplace, the outdoor smoking
5. Fire wardens in the workplace area must be at least 1.5 metres from
Volunteering to be fire wardens is one any barrier, such as a wall or other
way for employees to protect themselves structure. Non-smokers are likewise
and their co-workers in the case of a fire protected from second-hand smoke.
at the workplace.
9.Checking electrical systems and
6. Importance of an evacuation plan appliances regularly
Ensure that the evacuation procedure is easily accessible to all Performing PAT testing on appliances and
employees, customers, and guests. This is crucial in the event that systems on a regular basis is crucial (Pierce,
they experience an emergency and require assistance in leaving 2018). As a result, your staff will be safer
the building. around potentially dangerous appliances.
Fire Safety in Hospitals

Since there are not only medical professionals but also patients
present, a fire in a hospital might have catastrophic results. Hospitals
and nursing units have staff trained in fire prevention and safety since
patients cannot flee without assistance (Gortan et al., 2021). In an effort
to streamline hospital fire prevention, four guiding principles were
Principles Of Fire Safety In Hospitals
There is no set order in which the
pillars must be checked off. The 1. Life Safety
list serves more as a guide or  As in any crisis, our own safety and that of those
outline for what needs to be done. around us must come first.
In certain cases, one must precede  The staff of a hospital has a responsibility to assist
the other for safety's sake, but in any patients who may be in their immediate
others, they may occur neighbourhood in the case of a fire.
concurrently. The hospital staff
 The hospital worker will first check for potential
will use their best judgement and
make well-informed judgments
impediments like an intravenous line. or an oxygen
based on the situation to ensure tank that must be removed before the patient may be
the safety of patients and visitors. transferred (Krechowicz and Piotrowski, 2021).
 The patient will be guided to a secure area if they are
able to walk.
 An employee may relocate a patient's bed or use an
emergency carry if the patient is unable to move.
2. Notification
 Spreading the word about the emergency
is crucial.
 One's chances of survival and the extent
of any injury can be greatly reduced if
there is rapid communication and alerts
in the hospital.
 There are a variety of ways that people
could be alerted to the fire.
 To alert the fire department &
emergency personnel, the nearest fire
alarm must be activated along with the
hospital's 24-hour emergency telephone
line (Gabriel et al., 2020).
 There is also the "code red" verbal alert
used by several hospitals.
 It's a subtle way of alerting staff so that
they can begin taking action before fear
spreads through the facility.
3. Extinguish
 Factors such as the size of the fire and the
employee's training with fire extinguishers
should be considered when deciding
whether or not hospital worker should
attempt to put out the blaze.
 If the fire is minor and can be put out
quickly and safely, or if a life is in imminent
danger, a worker may try to do so on their
own(Shqefni, 2022).
• However, it is recommended to wait for
first responders to come if the employee is
unskilled in fire extinguisher use or if it is
too dangerous to be in the area because of
4. Relocate/Evacuate
 Evacuating to a safe area is another crucial step to take in the event of a fire.
 In extreme cases, this may need leaving the building altogether, while in others, relocating to a
safer location within the same structure may be sufficient.
 As a general rule, hospital staff should attempt to evacuate through one set of fire escapes.
 Hospital staff will establish an evacuation priority sequence to get patients in the most urgent
danger to safety as quickly as possible without causing a stampede (Chrysikou et al., 2022).
 These guidelines may have originated in a healthcare facility, but they are applicable in
virtually any work environment.
 The best approach to be ready for the unanticipated is to take the time now to learn about fire
safety regulations.
Fire Safety Legislation
Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and Fire (Scotland) Act 2005
“The Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006” outline the minimum
standards for protecting people and property in the event of a fire. Property owners or managers have a legal
responsibility to ensure a safe environment in the event of a fire. Meaningful inclusion of owners, Employers,
managers, employees, and others occupying non-domestic premises. It's imperative that you take precautions
against fire in this situation (Chrysikou et al., 2022). These include planning, organisation, management,
control, monitoring and review. These measures should be appropriate to the size of the premises and the
nature of the activities.
Fire Risk Assessment
Those in charge should conduct a fire risk assessment and
take measures to prevent and lessen the effects of fires in the
workplace. The risk assessment should reveal specific
information about anyone who is at an elevated risk. It needs
to be documented and examined frequently (Pierce, 2018).
Emergency plan
Someone needs to put forward candidates to fill any unique responsibilities stipulated by the
contingency plan. Training tailored to their individual roles is necessary for them to carry them out
effectively. In addition, they need to instruct workers on how to prevent fires through information,
instruction and training. Prior to making nominations for fire safety positions, employers must hold
meetings with staff, elected representatives, and designated trade union safety representatives. If they
share an office, they must work together to manage and lessen the potential for fires. In addition, they
need to share information about any major risk that could compromise worker safety (Gortan et al.,
2021). One of the first steps in developing an emergency plan is to determine how help will be reached.
Also, they need to make sure that rescue crews can easily reach the building in the event of an
Alarms, Safety Equipment And Escape Plans
 Have a smoke alarm installed on every level of the house, and test it regularly.
 Smoke detectors must be tested at least once a month.
 Place carbon monoxide detectors in any and all rooms with fuel-burning appliances.
 If there's a fire in the house, everyone needs to know exactly what to do to get out safely.
 They can run through the drills to assist them recall the escape plan.
In this presentation the fire safety checklists include the importance
of fire safety. Following with house, workplace and hospital fire
safety checklists have been discussed . Next comes the principles of
fire safety with Fire Safety legislation including risk assessments,
emergency plans Alarms, Safety Equipment And Escape Plans.
How a person can prevent fire what are the factors causes fire
including cooking electricity , flammables etc
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