Plate Boundaries Quiz

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The tall landform created when two
continental plates converge is
A. mountain range
B. volcanic arc
C. rift valley
D. Oceanic ridge
It is the point where two plates
meet or collide while converging.
A. collision zone
B. mantle plume
C. subduction zone
D. magma
The East African Rift is an example of a
A. mid-ocean ridge
B. convergent boundary
C. rift valley
D. transform boundary
What plate boundary is
formed by the moving of two
plates apart?
B. Convergent
C. Transform-fault
The force that causes the plates to move
A. tectonic force
B. gravitational force
C. radiation
D. convection current
The __________ is an example of a
transform fault boundary.
A. Appalachian Mountains
B. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
C. San Andreas Fault
D. Himalayas
The boundary between two plates moving
toward each other is called a _________.
A. divergent boundary
B. transform boundary
C. lithosphere
D. convergent boundary
At the convergent plate boundary,
A. new crust is created
B. the crust separates
C. the older crust is recycled by subduction
D. plates side past one another
Features found at divergent plate boundaries
include ____________.
A. mid-ocean ridges
B. deep-sea trenches
C. crumpled mountains
D. island arc volcanoes
It is a plate that dives down
under a less dense plate during
A. subducting plate
B. continental plate
C. mantle
D. overriding plate
A crack on the ground underwater is
produced when oceanic crust interacts with
another crust. What do we call this geologic
A. fault
B. ridge
C. crack
D. trench
It is the crack on the dry ground or plate
caused by horizontal plate movement.
A. fault
B. valley
C. trench
D. ridge
Subduction is illustrated in which of
the following?
A. convergent plate boundary
B. divergent plate boundary
C. transform fault boundary
D. subducting plates
Earthquake, as an effect of plate
movement, results in boundaries where
plates are
a. converging
b. sliding past
c. diverging
d. subducting
Most of the Philippine Islands were once part of
island arcs. This means that along with this
boundary, there once existed two ___________.
A. converging continental plates
B. converging oceanic plates
C. diverging plates
D. plates sliding past each other

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