OB Group & Teams

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Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
• Group : Two or more individuals interacting and interdependent who have come together to achieve
particular objectives.
• Types of Groups
• Formal Group : A designated work group defined by the organization’s structure
• Informal Group: A group that is neither formally structured nor organizationally determined but appears in response to
the need for social contact.
• Command Group: A group structured by a relationship of command and reporting relationship.
• Task Group: A group working together to complete a task.
• Interest Group: Group working together to attain a specific objective of concern to all members
• Friendship Group : Group brought together by need to share and commonality of characteristics.
Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
• Why do people join groups
• Security
• Status
• Self Esteem
• Affiliation
• Power
• Goal Achievment
Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
• Stages of Group Development
• Five Stages of Group Development
• Forming: Characterized by uncertainty
• Storming: Characterized by intragroup conflict
• Norming: Characterized by development of cohesiveness and relationships
• Performing: Characterized by fully functional stage of group.
• Adjourning : Characterizes temporary groups concern for activities completion and need to reorient identity.
• Limitations
• Assumes a linear process
• Assumes disfunctionality of conflicts
• Ignores context and situation
Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
• Punctuated Equilibrium Model- Temporary Groups go through transitions between inertia and activity.
• Set Group Direction
• Inertia
• Transition happens when approximately half the time is used up. Punctuated Equilibrium
• Transition brigs major changes Model

• Second Phase of Inertia

• Accelerated Activity


1st Meeting Transition

Phase 1

Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
• Analyzing Interactions in Groups
• Sociometry- Technique for studying group interaction
• Sociogram
• Social Networks
Building Diversity
• Clusters Managing Conflict
• Prescribed Clusters Turnover
• Emergent Clusters Commitment
• Coalitions Cooperation
• Cliques
• Stars
• Bridges
• Isolates
Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior

Member Task

External Performance
Conditions Group Satisfaction

Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
• External Conditions
• Work Groups are sub systems of a larger system- Organization- and hence are influenced by
external conditions
• Conditions Imposed by the larger system- external-
• Organizations overall strategy- goals and means as well as resources
• Authority Structures- Leadership/ Decisions/ Reporting Structure/ Positioning in Hierarchy
• Formal Regulations- Rules, Processes, policies, job roles
• Resources
• Reward and Recognition Processes
• Physical Work Setting
Organization Behavior-
Group Behavior
Teams and Team Work
• Are Groups and Teams the same- Obviously not- What is the difference
• Work Group - A group that interacts primarily to share information and to make decisions to help each
member perform within area of responsibility.
• Work Team - A group whose individual effort result in a performance that is greater than the sum of
individual inputs

Work Groups Work Teams

Share information Goal Collective Performance

Neutral Synergy Positive

Individual Accountability Individual& Mutual

Random & Varied Skills Complementary

Organization Behavior-
Teams and Team Work

• Types of Teams
• Problem Solving Teams – Groups of people from same function meeting periodically for specific issues/concerns
• Self Managed Work Teams- Group of people who perform related and interdependent jobs and manage their supervision
and coordination by themselves
• Cross Functional Teams – Employees from the same hierarchical level but from different work areas coming together for
accomplishing a task..( Task Force/ Committee)
• Virtual Teams- A physically dispersed team members to achieve a common goal.

• Are Teams the Answer for everything

• Can the work be done better by more than one person- Different perspectives
• Can the task create a common purpose create an aggregate goal more powerful than individual
• Is there interdependancy
Organization Behavior
Teams and Team Work

• Building an effective team

Work Design
• Autonomy
•Skill Variety
•Task Identity
•Task Significance
•Personality Team Effectiveness
•Roles& Diversity
•Size& Flexibility
•Preference for team work
•Adequate Resources
•Performance& Rewards

•Common Purpose
•Specific goals
•Team efficacy& conflict
•Social Loafing
Organization Behavior
Teams and Team Work

• Roles in Teams



Team Promoter

Controller Assessor


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