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Women in the workplace Inequality in the social part of the workplace

Gender equality is a big issue in the workplace when you're a woman. It often shows
itself in the most absurd ways, for example when a woman gets a promotion she's often
looked down on because its considered that she gained it through rather promiscuous
deeds rather than her hard work, education and even dedication. Women are also often
sexualized in all aspects of their work.

Inequality in the professional part

For example when a woman applies to a job, she is expected to have a higher education
and is generally expected to have a higher skill set. Another example would be that
requirements are higher to get a promotion for women than for a man. Since its more
likely for a man to get the higher pay or the promotion only due to the fact he is male,
and is considered by society more capable, even though he might have a lesser
education or less work hours.
Sexual assault on men Men in the workplace
In the workplace men are often ignored when it
comes to sexual assault in general or specifically by a
female boss or coworker. They are often told to "suck
it up", or to even enjoy it, their thoughts or emotion
totally disregarded. If they do report it they are often
looked down on.

Other problems for men

Men in the workplace aren't offered extended
parental leave or flexible hours.As well as being less
likely to seek professional help for their mental state
or talk about their work problems to their colleagues
or friends outside of work.

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